The Father
One did not know What to make of him. A living saint? Or a misguided fool? But the words Seemed to enter a place That words rarely do . . . He was asked, What it means to be a good father. And what he taught his children. This . . […]
One did not know What to make of him. A living saint? Or a misguided fool? But the words Seemed to enter a place That words rarely do . . . He was asked, What it means to be a good father. And what he taught his children. This . . […]
Aside from bodily comfort, being rich, middle class, or poor has no practical significance. This statement is not based upon spiritual, moral, or philosophical grounds. Every human being is seeking the same thing, by different names. Peace, happiness, nirvana, realization, contentment, freedom, enlightenment, joy, or the end of conflict . . . No one […]
A family tends not to be founded in human unity, But in spatial proximity. When one is alone, He often seeks unity. When one is united, He often seeks independence. What is The Truth about the family unit? The unit lives in close proximity to each other. Each member tending to […]
The spiritual masses in India Sit for a guru’s lecture By the hundreds of thousands. They nod their head in agreement. And applaud in approval. As they leave, They recite the quotes They enjoyed the most. They proclaim That “he’s right” And laugh in joy. It has been a wonderful entertainment. […]
Once a man attains The comforts that money can buy Of what value is the money? Once money frees him From having to work a day job Of what value is the money? This is not a matter that is considered By the wealthy man. For he has a default habit Of […]
Just because you are avoiding it (And you are indeed with absolute 100 percent certainty avoiding it), Does not mean that you “should not” avoid it. According to the numbers, 163,898 people in this world will die By midnight. Two people will die Before you finish this sentence. 114 people will die […]
You may read the Bhagavad Gita Line by line. You may memorize and recite Its numerous verses. You may read Buddha’s Eightfold Path, And the Four Noble Truths And become a scholar of them. You may attempt to implement All that you have read. You may attempt to apply All that […]
The state of affairs Is that a self-styled communal authority Known as “society” And its cadre of experts, authors, and speakers, Has reduced the human into a Concept. Once manufactured, The Concept is populated with sub-concepts, Rules Principles And judgments. These are then infused With methods and techniques. Methods and techniques for […]
What does this societal adage Truly mean? Of what value Is this sacred cow? Be The Best You Can Be. The conditioned man Cannot See. For he views all things Through the lens of his conditioning. One may wish to read the adage again Through unconditioned eyes And see if […]
Who is there to speak to? What is there to speak about? If there is an exploration of Truth An organic possibility may emerge. If there is not, It is a shameless waste of time. The “debaters” and “discussers” each say, I will bring my opinions You bring your opinions […]