The Only One In The World

If one is not going to be

The only one of his kind

In the entire world,

What is the point.


If one does not have

What no one else in the entire world Has,

What is the point.


If one has not discovered

What no other human being in the world

Has discovered,

What is the point.


What is the point

Of being mediocre.


What is the point

Of being an inch better

Than another.


What is the point

Of “1 percent improvements,”

And “a little better each day.”


Why would one waste his time

And his effort

For 1 percent?




The world

Is so . . .



Its thinking

Is so . . .



Fighting tooth and nail

Over a nickel.


Blood, sweat, and tears

For a point.


Why would any sane man

Do so much

For so little.


If one is not the greatest in the world,

He is nothing.


If one is not the greatest in the world

By a mile,

He is nothing.


If one peers into the world,

In every sport and profession,

He does not see Legends.


Every professional

Is fighting over a nickel.


Every professional

Is dying over a point.


If a human

Is not absolutely One Of A Kind

In his domain,

What is the point in getting off the couch.


Practice what?

Practice For what?



A movement of the limbs?

To become nothing?

To become nobody?

To become average?

To become mediocre?

To become a beggar?


One who views this as an attempt at motivation

Is an idiot.


He who requires motivation

Requires a constant push.

This produces nothing.


If one is not

The Only One In The World

At a particular thing or things,

What is the point.


What is

The point.


