Living In The World

In the world,

One must find a way to live.


Amidst the turmoil.

Amidst the confusion.

Amidst the pain.


Amidst the betrayal.

Amidst the contempt.

Amidst the unappreciativeness.


If a man believes

The words of guru’s, experts, books, priests, and self-helpists,

He is in for a world of hurt.



Only bring pain.


The world

And its experts

Are liars.


They haven’t the slightest clue

About Truth.


They like to spread flowers

In graveyards.


They simply spout pretty jargon

And hot air.


None of that nonsense works.

This is why they tell you to “keep practicing.”


The people of the world

May be nice to you.

But they will also

Betray you.


If one has faith

In the world

And its people

He has set himself up

For a lifetime of pain.


One must find his own way.

And find a way to live.


The more pretty and fanciful notions

He buys into,

The more suffering he creates for himself.


Until he viscerally understands

That everything in this world

Is utter garbage,

He does not stand a chance.


If he attempts to find a way to live

By way of popular, worldly, and expert advice,

He is sunk.


The experts

Are idiots.


And those who listen to them

Suffer endlessly.



Is nonsense.


It is scented roses

And incense.

For those who like

Scented roses

And incense.



Is do-good, sound-good trash

Wrapped in pretty ribbons.


It is ALL nonsense.

None of it works.


It is purely

And solely . . .



Spirituality, motivation, self-help.

And the words of experts

Is akin to watching a romantic comedy

Or a feel-good matinee on a Saturday afternoon.


Nothing more.


All that one holds sacred

Is certain to betray him.


All that one has faith in

Is certain to abandon him.


Beliefs, notions, concepts . . .

Are the path to hell.


Nothing in this world

Is True.


Nothing in this world

Is Real.


It is all

Smoke and mirrors.


And amidst all of this

One must find a way to live.


The closer he comes to seeing the world

For what it truly is,

And what it it is not,

The greater his possibility

For finding a way to live within it.


