Life Is Not Beautiful

Unless stated as factual events,

All things in a human life

Are stories.


They are imaginings

To camouflage

The unthinkable.


They are woven tales

To conceal

The unbearable.


What ‘good’

Happens in a human life?


If some ‘good’ does happen,

In what proportion is it

To the ‘bad?’


Man is forever seeking



Man is forever seeking



Man is forever seeking



Why would he be forever seeking something

If he already possessed it?


The fact that he is perpetually seeking relief,


And pleasure . . .

Means that these are things

That he perpetually lacks.


If these are things

That he perpetually lacks,

It means that the thing that he is in

Is responsible for the lacking.


If some humans lack

And others do not,

It may be reasonable to state

That the trouble lies with the human.


But if each and every human

On the face of the earth

Is perpetually chasing the very same things,

It is reasonable to state

That the thing in which they exist

Is responsible for their deficiency.


Buddha stated

That life is suffering.



Is a statement of Truth.


In his attempt to cope,


And conceal . . .

Man grasps at all sorts of straws.


Straws of optimism,




And various nebulous and beautified notions.


Regardless of man’s reactive notions,

Life is not beautiful.


If it were so beautiful,

Why is every human being

Craving and thirsting for happiness and pleasure?


How could a “beautiful life”

Incite such behavior?


How could a “beautiful life”

Create such deficiency?


Throughout his life,

Man is assaulted

On all sides.


He is ridiculed,





And shunned

By other humans.


He suffers misfortune,




The gods

Do not hear his cries.


The world

Adds to them.


By what fantastical interpretation

Is this a “beautiful life?”


Wars created by governments

Kill humans

And toss them from their homes.


Pandemics and pestilence

Sweep across the land

Bringing death to hundreds of millions.


Good Samaritans

Lose their lives

In the act of graciously helping another.


According to what twisted logic

Is this a “beautiful life?”



Is death incarnate.



Is a living hell.


Based upon the evidence

That not even the most ‘optimistic’ of men

Can deny.


Those that preach optimism,

And hope,

And positivity,

Are but scandalous snake-oil salesmen . . .

Peddlers of empty promises

And fairy tales.


Where shall a man begin?


Let him begin

In his own undeniable living Reality.


That life is suffering.

It is not positive.

It is not gleeful.

It is not hopeful.


And it certainly is not . . .


