The One

If a man is thirsty,

A discussion about water

Will not quench.


If a man is hungry,

A photograph of bread

Will not satiate.


Of what use

Is learning of religion,

When one can learn

Of Jesus.


Of what use

Is practicing Buddhism,

When one can learn

Of Buddha.


Unless a man

Becomes a Patanjali,

Why should he teach yoga.


Unless a man

Becomes a Shakespeare,

Why shall he write.


Why shall any man

Have such little regard for himself

As to be taught

By those who have not Become.


Why shall any man

Have such little regard for himself

As to learn

From assistants, practitioners, pretenders, and neophytes.


If one possess not the Whole,

How can he be a leader of men.


The human body

Cannot function

With synthetic water.


The human heart

Does not pump

An artificial liquid dyed in maroon.


The human lungs

Cannot function

With an air-like substance

Devoid of oxygen.



Sustains reality.


The heart of man

Possesses a potential

To Become.


The mind of man

Convinces him to settle

For artificiality and play dough.



Deserves nothing.


For it is less a matter of deservedness,

Than of desire.


It matters not

If man craves the authentic

Or settles for the artificial.


The authentic

Is the only thing that matters.


For the authentic

Is the only thing that is Real.


The Real,

The True,

The Genuine,

And the Authentic,

Is in the modern world,

A lone tree

In a windswept desert.


The mind

May fool a man.

The man

May fool the mind.


But the heart

Compromises not.


The Truth

Is the only thing there is.


The One

Is the only one that matters.

