Calendars, Emails, And Busy-Ness

The business man,

The entrepreneur,

The industrialist,

The whomever . . .

Enjoys creating

The illusion of self-importance.


He has “so much to do.”

He is being “pulled in so many directions.’

He has “so many places to go.”

He has “so many obligations to fulfill.”


He complains of being “too busy.”

But in actuality

He enjoys being busy.


Because busy-ness

Gives him a feeling of importance.


He enjoys saying,

“Let me check my calendar.”

This creates an air

Of importance.


He enjoys saying,

“How does Dec 12 work for you?”

This creates an impression

That his calendar is filled every day

Until Dec 12th.


After all, he is important.

He is busy.

He has many responsibilities and commitments.

He has to host X.

And attend Y.

And emcee Z.


He has a “very important business meeting.”

He has “to take this call.”


He behaves as if

He is a slave to the calendar,

And to emails,

And to meetings,

And to obligations.


But in actuality,

He would not dare

Have it otherwise.


For it would rob him

Of his feeing of self-importance.


Calendars did not exist

Before man voluntarily created them.


Email did not exist

Before man voluntarily invented it.


If business people,



And whomever,

Are “busy,”

It is because

They wouldn’t have it any other way.


A thing worth doing,

Is a thing worth doing Right Now.


December 12th’s,

April 27th’s,

October 17th’s . . .

Are a charade.

Pure and simple.


If a man sliced open his hand,

Or shattered his knee,

Or fell off a motorcycle at 85 mph,

His calendars, and emails, and “important business meetings”

Would instantly disappear.


It is only when he is healthy and bored

That he returns to playing his “busy” games

And “scheduling” nonsense.


No business man

Is important.


He simply enjoys

Creating the illusion

Of being so.


