On Humans And Their Desires

The human

Tends to be a hider.


He hides

Behind philosophies.


He hides

Behind his problems.


He hides

Behind his misfortunes.


The world

Is an enabler.


It encourages him

To hide.


Because the world

Is a hider itself.


A man says

That he Wants X.


If he doesn’t get it,

He blames his financial situation.

Or his family.

Or his lack of opportunity.

Or the place that he lives.


He hides

Behind lovely

And approved



The very same world that enables his stupor,

Then tells him

To stop making excuses.


To go for it.

To stop being lazy.

To get off his rear end.


This does nothing

For the man.


Such things

Are empty and useless.


The fact is

That the man will always

Make excuses.


If he is that sort of man.


He who truly wants,

Truly wants.


He who does not,

Does not.


He who says that he wants but does not,

Is he who says that he wants but does not.


The one who wants is not to be admired.

The one who does not is not to be maligned.


If the man wants and achieves,

He reaps the reward of having gotten what he wanted.


If the man does not want and does not achieve,

He reaps the reward of remaining where he is.


Both rewards

Are in accordance

With what the man really wants.


There is no one in this world

That will give a man The Truth.


Such humans are not simply

“Walking around.”


They don’t exist.


Because firstly,

There is no “demand” for Truth.



Because no one has Truth to give.



Even if a man wanted the Truth

About his life, circumstance, goals, performance . . .

He will not find it anywhere.


Not in books.

Not in lectures.

Not from any guru or expert.


It is like looking for water

In the desert.


The Truth

Is not the world’s game.


What man seeks

Is not The Truth.


He seeks those

Who will validate, permit, and support

What he already believes.


Man seeks those

Who will provide him

A greater hiding place.


So that he can feel good

For having not achieved,

Or feeling wronged,

Or whatever things that give him a warm and comfortable feeling.


If he genuinely desires Truth

The opportunity does happen to arise.


The moment he raises an excuse

The opportunity vanishes.


There is no reason for a man to feel bad

For not wanting.


And no reason for a man to feel good

For wanting.


One must simply examine

The Cost

Of not having been given The Truth.


If the cost is acceptable to him,

He will endlessly suffer,

But because he does not truly desire the Truth,

Suffering is his only choice.


In Truth,

No man can Live

Without The Truth.


But this then depends

Upon how one defines “living.”


An automatized existence

Devoted to chores and putting out fires,

Confusion, turmoil, sorrow, fear, and anxiety

Is a “life”

In that the heart is still beating,

The lungs are still breathing.


But the very same can be said

For a man in a coma,

And on a ventilator.


