Banned Interview: On Helping Humanity

Interviews given to media outlets.

Banned from publication.

Deemed too “controversial” for audience consumption.

Created confusion in how to “couch or market it.”

Transcripts being published here.

Others may be revealed.


Interviewer: (I)

Myself: (M)


I: If you had a message for humanity, what would it be.

M: I have no message for humanity.

I: I mean a few words of help.

M: I have no words of help.

I: I don’t understand.

M: There is nothing to say. The question has no relevance.

I: It isn’t relevant to help people?

M: Not in the way you are proposing.

I: I really don’t know what to say. Can you please help me understand?

M: Messages have been tossed about a million times a day. For millennia. Has humanity been helped?

I: I don’t know. Maybe.

M: If humanity has been helped by these messages, then why, after so many years and so many messages, is it still in need of help?

I: I don’t know.

M: (Silence)

I: Do you think it’s a waste of time to try to help humanity?

M: If one is moved to do so, so be it.

I: What can be done for humanity?

M: Nothing.

I: What do you mean?

M: (Silence).

I: Do you think what I do is a waste of time?

M: As I said, if you are moved to do what you do, so be it.

I: But you don’t care about humanity?

M: Not in the least.

I: But humanity is suffering.

M: Yes.

I: Do you not believe it is right to help alleviate its suffering?

M: Right and wrong is debatable. People throughout millennia have attempted to alleviate humanity’s suffering. Have they not?

I: Yes.

M: Has the suffering been alleviated?

I: No . . . But shall we not try?

M: You may if you wish.

I: Why does humanity suffer?

M: Do You suffer?

I: Yes.

M: Then why the charade?

I: What charade?

M: The charade of hiding behind ‘humanity.’

I: It isn’t a charade?

M: Do you have sleepless nights?

I: Yes.

M: Is it humanity’s suffering that keeps you sleepless? Or your own?

I: My own.

M: (Silence).

I: Okay, then why do I suffer?

M: Because you do not know the Truth. And having said this, you will now reflexively ask me, ‘What is the Truth?’

I: I was about to, yes.

M: Because you believe that a passing of information in a purely intellectual way actually does something for a human being.

I: Does it not?

M: Have you not heard information your entire life? And read a thousand books. And listened to a thousand speakers?

I: Yes.

M: Yet you are still suffering.

I: So you say that I’m suffering because I don’t know the truth?

M: Yes.

I: The truth about what?

M: About anything.

I: And all of the books I’ve read and all the guests and experts I’ve spoken to have basically told lies?

M: Not intentionally.

I: But lies, nonetheless.

M: Did their words provide for you what you have been seeking?

I: If I’m totally honest I’d have to say no. Because I’m still intensely suffering.

M: (Silence).

I: So do you recommend that I invest myself in your writings?

M: No.

I: No?

M: No.

I: Why not?

M: You can if you wish. But I don’t recommend it. Nor do I recommend against it.

I: But could it help me if I did?

M: I don’t know.

I: Which of your books do you think I should read first?

M: I don’t know that you should read them at all.

I: What of your paid private materials, private discourses, secret writings . . . do you think may help me the most?

M: Something I have written may help you. Or it may not.

I: Where do you think the audience should go to read your work?

M: They can go wherever they like.

I: Where are you most prevalent online?

M: I have some websites, a site that sells my digital writings, and a twitter account.

I: Can you share what those are?

M: If one wishes, they can visit the twitter account. The Pinned tweet explains much of it.

