Lost In The Culture

Whatever field one is in . . .

Even society itself . . .

He is lost

In the culture.


It matters not who he is.

It matters not how intelligent he is.

It matters not how successfully or wealthy he is.


He is lost

In the culture.


He has many problems.

He spends his life

Looking for solutions

Inside the culture.


He has many questions.

He spends his life

Looking for answers

Inside the culture.


It is not necessarily the case

That the culture

Created his problems.


For he may have had problems

Even if he did not enter the culture.


But it is for certain

That the culture

Will compound his problems.


For a problem is a problem.

But when a man looks for a solution

Inside of the culture

It becomes a double problem.


In the business culture,

A man is told

How to hire

And fire.

How to treat his employees.

How to grow his business.

And all manner of things.


The athlete is told

To shoot, run, and throw

In this way

And not that way.


The man in society

Is told to eat this

And not that.

To practice this

And do that.


Yet from a bird’s eye view,

What is the Reality?


Despite the culture’s answers and solutions,

The vast majority of businesses fail.


Despite the culture’s answers and solutions

An infinitesimal number of athletes make it to the pro’s,

And amongst those who do,

An infinitesimal number become great.


Despite the culture’s answers and solutions

Physical disease and mental health issues

Are at their highest levels in history.


The Truth

Must be understood

By the one who genuinely seeks it.


The Truth

Is that the culture is made of humans.


Almost all humans are asleep.

Almost all humans are lazy.

Almost all humans are disinterested.

Almost all humans live on a hamster wheel.

Almost all humans chase fads and shiny objects.


Humans are born



But they do not

Remain this way.


Society is composed of

These very same humans.


After all,

It is not composed of aliens.


If society is composed of such humans,

Then what can this yield,

Other than lies,

Ineffective solutions,

And fabricated jargon that has no relevance?


If a man visits a garbage dumpster,

What can he expect to find?


A man may be told

Not to listen to anyone.


But if he realizes

The composition of society,

The ‘not-listening’ will take care of itself.



Is not for the common man.


And it certainly is not

BY the common man.


It is at once,

Practical and Effective.


And it does not live

In the halls of ivory towers,

Church halls,

Sports academies,

Or spiritual and self-help institutions.


The culture

Is for the riff-raff.


It is neon lights

And carnival rides.


It is not

For the Serious man.


The culture


And will always be,

The enemy

Of a Sincere seeker.


It has nothing to offer

But empty smiles,

And wild goose chases.


And if a man discovers

That he has become lost within it,

He may have a chance.

