The World Is Not Credible

If an individual is dripping wet

From the knees to the feet

And he claims that he has been walking for days

Upon a dry sidewalk

He loses credibility.


He is not evil.

He has simply identified himself

As an individual

Who is not credible.



An individual

Would ignore him.



Only the individuals

Who were interested in Reliable Knowledge

Would ignore him.


Those who did not care

If the individual was reliable or not

Would not necessarily ignore him.


This world

Creates films

That are little more than foul language

And explosions.


This is fine

For an individual

Who enjoys foul language

And explosions.


But to an individual who seeks Quality,

Both the individuals who create such films

And their audience

Are not credible to them.


This does not mean

That these filmmakers

Or the individuals who enjoy such films

Are evil.


It is just that

They are not a credible source

For those who seek Quality.


The same can be said

For the best-seller lists.

And all facets of media

And society.


The marketing industry.

The political domain.

The lobbyists.

The religious order.

And so on . . .


It may be safely stated,

Speaking in fact without judgment,

That he who seeks Quality and Reliable Knowledge

Cannot turn to the world.


The reason that “trash sells,”

Is not because of the trash-suppliers,

But because of the trash-demanders.


Neither are evil.

They simply are not useful or credible

For those seeking Quality.


The books that are written

The videos that are made

The speeches that are given

Do so only to proselytize.


And what they proselytize

Are fad notions

And mass propaganda.


From politics

To religion

To self-help

And spirituality.


It is all . . .


Wrapped in scented roses.


They are not evil.

They are simply of no use or credibility

To those who seek The Truth.


Of the roughly 8 billion humans

That inhabit this earth,

The fraction that is seeking Truth

Is undetectable on any scale of measure.


Viewing things logically,

Why would any “supplier” of material

Or goods

Or media

Or information . . .

Create material, goods, media, and information

For an “undetectable fraction” of individuals?


Neither the people of the world

Nor those who supply them

Are evil.


They are simply of no use

Or credibility

To the individual who is seeking Truth.


There is indeed a problem

With not knowing The Truth.


But there is an infinitely greater problem

With seeking Truth

In a place that does not possess it.

