Is It True

Man’s longing

For pleasantries

Makes him blind

To Truth.


A space can only be filled

With one thing

Or another.


If it is filled with X,

There is no room for Y.


So many concepts.

So many principles.

So many tenets.

So many claims . . .


A fool nods his head.

An idiot says,

‘That sounds wonderful.’


A Wise Man asks,

‘Though it may sound nice

Though it may sound silly,

The question is,

Is It True.’


Eat more fruits and vegetables

And you will feel better

And live longer.


Sounds nice.

Is it True?


If you eat fat,

You will become fat.


Sounds reasonable.

Is it True?


Be kind

And others will be kind to you.


Sounds nice.

Is it True?


Work hard

And you will succeed.


Sounds logical.

Is it True?


Two heads

Are better than one.


Makes sense.

Is it True?


Better technique

Creates better results.

So work on technique.


Sounds reasonable.

Is it True?



Is the way to enlightenment.


Sounds possible.

Is it True?



And you will live longer.


Sounds logical.

Is it True?


There is a guru on the internet

Who claims that if you turn your hand upside down

Your heart rate will change.


Sounds interesting.

It takes but a few seconds to verify it.

You may do so now.

Was he correct?

Is it True?


A university degree

Provides a high-paying job.


It could be.

Is it True?



Is necessary or even useful for a career in business.


Sounds logical.

Is it True?


Is one Required

To pursue what is True?


Is one Required

To abandon that which sounds sweet

But is hollow fluff?


Certainly not.


I Recommend Truth

To no one.



Is a hopelessly conditioned creature.


He is not awake enough

To ask what is True.

And not driven enough

To pursue it.


He is resigned to a life

Of sweet lies

And brightly-colored pills.


He lays asleep

In a bed of thorns,

Listening to those

Who have convinced him they are roses.

