Experiencing Truth In My Words

The spiritual masses in India

Sit for a guru’s lecture

By the hundreds of thousands.


They nod their head in agreement.

And applaud in approval.


As they leave,

They recite the quotes

They enjoyed the most.


They proclaim

That “he’s right”

And laugh in joy.


It has been a wonderful entertainment.

Now it is time to return

To the Real world.


If one discovers

Through a sincere examination of his own life

That there is truly nothing for him on the horizon

He has a chance . . .

To experience Truth in my words.


If he is searching for encouragement

Or a clever trick

To gain something,

My words are not for him.


Man is conditioned to look at things in a particular way.

He is conditioned to ask How.

He is conditioned to be Common.

He is conditioned to Practice.

He is conditioned to fill himself with Information.

He is conditioned to be Encouraged.

He is conditioned to be Given Hope.

He is conditioned to be Consoled, that “one day it will come.”


When he arrives in my domain,

He brings his conditionings with him.

He brings these sensibilities with him.


And he grows hopelessly confused

When each of those sensibilities

Is met with a brick wall.


While everywhere else in the world,

These sensibilities are encouraged,

HERE they are shunned.


While everywhere else in the world,

He is “welcomed.”

HERE he is viewed with suspicion.


While everywhere else in the world,

The experts trip over themselves to help him

And ingratiate him . . .

HERE he is kept in the cold.


The reason that the experts ingratiate him

Welcome him

And try to help him . . .

Is because that is the only way they can gain pleasure.


Since they themselves have found Nothing.

Their only recourse for pleasure

Is to forge a sense of self-worth

By “instructing” others.


Understand this:

He who welcomes you with open arms

Has no Truth to offer.


He who welcomes the masses

Is part of the masses.


My devotion to Truth

And revealing Truths

Does not make me “good.”


It does not make me “popular.”

It does not make me benevolent.


It is simply who I am.


If one wishes to gain Truth from my words

They must have found a disdain for the world

Somewhere within them.


If one wishes to gain Truth from my words

It must not require a great effort

To shed their conditioning at my door.


For their muddy, societal footprints

Are not welcome in my Domain.


Let it be clear

That my words have no interest

In your “progress.”


My words

Have no interest

In where you go

Or how far you get.


Truth be told,

The list of Siddha Arrivals on my website

Have been left omitted.


Because Seven figures

Or even Eight

Or even Nine

Or even Ten

Are simply too small a price to pay

To Transform the one and only Life

That one has.


Truth be told,

There is a folder of secret writings

In my vault

That will quite honestly

Never be revealed to the world.

No matter the price.


The world is not ready for them.

And I would rather live poor and naked and die of starvation

Than to sell Sacred Truths

To a common, societal, unready human.


Even if someone were willing to pay 100 Billion US Dollars

For all of these Truths,

There would be a profound hesitation

To sell them.


It has, however, become clear

That although the utter and overwhelming majority of humans

Are shallow, socializing, corpse-like, cardboard-cutouts . . .

There are but a small handful of humans in various pockets of the Earth

That are genuinely Sincere.


My work is not “for” them.

But they may have hands Pure enough

To Receive.


This is a place

Where the masses are not welcome.


This is a place

Where you are not “coveted.”


This is a place

Where your applause

Means nothing.


This is a place

Where your approval

Is not sought.


This is a place

Where “helping”

Is of no interest.


It is a place

That tends to draw the Sincere.


It is a place

That tends to resonate with the Uncommon.



Does not give a darn about you.



Do I.

