The Inner Complexities

The state of affairs

Is that a self-styled communal authority

Known as “society”

And its cadre of experts, authors, and speakers,

Has reduced the human into a Concept.


Once manufactured,

The Concept is populated with sub-concepts,



And judgments.


These are then infused

With methods and techniques.


Methods and techniques for what precisely?


Has any of the mass populace ever considered to pose such a question?


Methods and techniques

For what?


Little do they know

That the methods and techniques are not to actually Get anywhere.


Of which they must be all too familiar

As none of the mass populace gets anywhere at all during their time on Earth.


No, the methods and techniques are not to get anywhere at all.


Then what are they for?

Why have they been manufactured

By the self-styled communal authority?


To acquire a favorable Judgment,

And avoid an unfavorable one.


The judgment of being “better”

Or “good.”


As opposed to the judgment of being “selfish”

And “bad.”


The communal authority

Tackles the inner complexity of a human

By way of the tool of “psychology.”


This is akin to exploring the Earth’s rotation

By closing one’s eyes and attempting to detect a spinning movement.


The communal authority,

It shall be known,

Has no interest in the True nature of things.


It seeks only to propagate its own existence.

A parasite

Infecting a host . . .


The inner complexities of a human cannot be explained by psychology

Any more than the weight of the ocean can be attained using a bathroom scale.


The inner complexities of a human

Are simply beyond the reach of any society,

No matter its intellectual prowess.


For intellect moves steadily in the direction of didactics

Rather than Truth.


Science and intellect

Can, at best,

Describe from a distance.


The descriptions lead to theories.

The theories harden into stone.

The stones are smashed over the head of the masses.

Anointed, they become.


Any man who is sensitive to the musings of any group

Any institution

Or any society

Is a man to be avoided.



It may be accurately stated

That all men are to be avoided.


The inner complexities of a human

Are beyond the reach of the knowledge-seeker.


For the knowledge-seeker

Is attracted moreso by the attainment of the knowledge,

Than by its nature and implications.


(One may wish to read that again).


The inner complexities of a human,

Like the Truths of life,

Are made not by a common Hand.



They cannot be known

By a common man.
