How Didacticism Destroys

For the one that genuinely seeks to Understand

There are things he must understand about human beings.


Their enslavement to self-importance.

Their penchant for intellectualism.

Both of which

Are one in the same.


Teachers, coaches, and instructors

Bow at the altar of themselves.

And pray to the god of feigned benevolence.


They take a topic

Isolate elements of the topic

And give each element a name.


Then the student is asked to memorize the names

And the definition of each name.

This . . .

Is what they call “learning.”


The only real question is,

Learning WHAT?


If a man stands before a classroom

Of adult intellectuals

And creates babbling phonics.

Then has the intellectual repeat the phonics back to him,

This is indeed “learning.”


But what he is “learning”

Is simply the manufactured phonics

Of the teacher.


Understand this Truth:

Humans are not taught to learn.

They are taught to Accumulate knowledge.

The more knowledge they accumulate,

The more their ego grows.


Examine textbooks from any domain.

Examine scientific and new age intellectual books.

One will find a litany of “concepts.”

A word salad of new vocabulary.

The intellectual adores this.

For he can stuff these into his pocket

And unleash his new-found knowledge at the next social gathering.


What is it that must be Understood

For he who seeks Truth?


That scientists, teachers, coaches, and instructors

Turn non-things

Into Things.


To isolate a micro-motion

From the entire motion,

And to give it a name

And have the human focus upon it,

Is to incapacitate the human.


If humans were taught to walk when they are born,

There would be “walking academies.”

In these academies,

They would isolate the foot

And call it “angular dorsiflexion.”


They would then make the infant learn and repeat

The word “angular dorsiflexion.”

They would pick up the infant

And take him to the “walking lab.”

A lab fit with high-speed motion cameras on all sides

Complete with digital measurements.


Each measurement would calculate the degree of “angular dorsiflexion”

And the infant would be forced to repeat the foot dorsiflexion again and again.

In being taught in such a way,

The child would, at 75 years into the future,

Still be “working on it.”


At 75 years of age,

He would still be trying to “improve” his walking.


The world would be one in which falling down

Was a regular occurrence.


If one examines any human

In any field,

They are all “working on it.”


Though they may have been in the field for 60 years,

They are still “working on it.”


The meditator is still “working on” becoming Enlightened.

The athlete is still “working on” becoming a Legend.


The whole is the Whole.

It cannot be sliced into pieces

And each piece given a name.


There are no partial actions.

Only whole ones.


One could accurately state

That it is man’s very ego

That leads to didacticism.


If a concept was not allowed to be linked to its creator.

If the teacher’s voice was digitalized, and he could only teach from behind a concealing curtain.

If applause was not allowed.

If one’s knowledge was banned from being shared at social gatherings.


Perhaps all concepts would go by the wayside.

Perhaps things would be learned as they Truly Are.

Perhaps humans . . .

Would learn The Truth.


There is no human you will ever find

Who is devoted to Truth.


Learn something from someone,

And you will learn limitations.


Understanding human nature

And the nature of one’s very own self . . .

Leads to a True-ness

Found nowhere in the modern world.
