Truth In The World Of Business
I was sent a clip and asked for my comments concerning an interview between Jeff Bezos and Lex Fridman.
The topic was Truth Telling.
I will begin this discourse thus:
Truth is the only thing in existence. Thus, it deserves and demands the whole of a human’s devotion.
A life devoted to Truth, is the Ultimate Life.
Firstly, it is refreshing to hear the topic of Truth anywhere in the media. And particularly in the world of Business.
For Truth is as foreign to the human psyche as are unnamed species that have remained extinct for eons.
Statements from the interview will outline the structure of this discourse.
“We humans are not truth-seeking animals. We are social animals”
Humans are indeed, wholly disinterested in Truth.
But what must also be understood is that the human one sees in society is not a Natural human. He is a conditioned one.
The human one sees in society is not the human that was created by the hand of Nature. He is one that has been reconditioned and remanufactured by the hand of Society.
A societal human, is not a Human at all. For his Essence has been replaced by societal norms and values.
Truth is not on his pallet. Social norms and the cosmetics that permeate it, are his primary focus.
Since Truth has no value in a shallow and fabricated structure such as “society,” there is no societal reward for seeking Truth.
Cordial And Nice
The Truth is often sidelined by giving the excuse that it is not nice.
To call a person “ugly” is not Truth. Not only is that not nice and wholly inappropriate, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Truth.
Truth is a Devotion to Truth.
Truth is an internal compass.
Cordial and nice are in no way incompatible with Truth.
One must have the ability to move beyond wholly superficial and top-of-the-head thinking. Which, as sad as it may be, is a tall order for humans.
“Any high performing organization has to have a mechanism and a culture that supports truth-telling.”
Like the Truth itself, there are many things that humans simply are not Ready to hear.
One of them is this:
Where there is a group, there cannot be Truth.
Where there is an organization, there cannot be Truth.
Where there is an institution, there cannot be Truth.
Company Culture
Because there is a fundamental lack of understanding of human conditioning, and the enormous limitations in human capacity, topics such as orchestrating company culture are staples in the world of business.
Limitations of human capacity being referred to here are not in the form of manpower and human ingenuity. For a human indeed has the capacity for grand achievement. As history has so often demonstrated.
But on a practical, boots-on-the-ground level, a human has grave limitations in his capacity, as it relates his function in a society.
There is a pervasive notion, fueled by an innate optimism, that if you tell humans something, they will listen and fall in line. This may work with regard to mechanical duties.
This does not work with regard to altering a human’s conditioned psyche.
If the leader, by some miracle, happens to be interested in Truth . . . he believes that trying to make others believe in Truth will work.
It will not.
And, if he is honest, he will be the first to admit his failed attempts at attempting such a thing.
Humans in a workforce, or humans in the boardroom are all the same. Their behavior and their duties can be forced to change. Their Thinking cannot.
This is the limitation of human capacity I am speaking of.
If one happens to be a visionary, telling others that they also should be visionaries is pure fantasy.
Humans believe that by telling someone something, this makes them change. If they believe this, perhaps they should ask their children about the verity of such a claim.
Science, outside of the mechanical and technical domain, has nothing to do with Truth.
Scientific advancement on a societal level is fraught with impurities. The pressure to “publish,” for instance, is a poison that permeates the halls of every academic and scientific institution. Such a thing destroys Truth in the womb.
Science, like most things, is fraught with ulterior motive.
Fraught with “first to publish.”
Fraught with ego.
The scientist has an enormous limitation in capacity, by way of his belief that if a thing is not understood by his limited-capacity brain, then it cannot be Real.
Scientists are children. When it comes to the fundamental Truths of the human Mind, and human existence, they lack the bandwidth to understand such things.
(As do the philosophers, and spiritualists; who have created their own limitations).
Wisdom is not tied to any field or discipline.
It must be allowed to roam free in the Land Of Unnamed Domains.
Jeff Bezos: “In every meeting that I attend, I always speak last”
IF. . . a particular human happens to be interested in Truth, he will create his own behaviors to support this desire.
Let us say for arguments sake that Jeff Bezos, as he professes, happens to be interested in Truth.
What does this mean.
This means that Jeff Bezos is interested in Truth.
What does it NOT mean.
It does NOT mean that:
Copying his behavior will make YOU a truth seeker.
Him telling others to seek Truth will make them truth seekers.
There is an overoptimistic and fantastical notion in the minds of human beings that they can get others to think differently. That by “telling others” they can change their nature.
If a human does happen to change, it is ALWAYS the result of his own inner desire to do so. Not because someone TOLD HIM TO.
To believe otherwise is to become brainwashed by the land of the self-improvement tabloids.
The only possibility of any company operating by way of Truth, is if 1) the leader happens to possess an internal DNA, and natural deep-seated desire for it. And 2) he runs his company with a Firm Hand, rather than as some manufactured attempt at democracy.
The King must be King.
Not for purposes of ego and stature.
Not for purposes of greed.
Not for purposes of power.
In fact, such things are precisely the seeds of a King’s ultimate downfall.
A King must rule his Kingdom as King, for the expressed purpose of not sacrificing the Essence and Heart of his creation.
Read that again.
A Kingdom is always on the verge of collapse.
Its integrity must be rooted in an unshakeable foundation.
If a leader seeks to preserve his creation, he cannot allow it to be diluted.
If a leader is interested in Truth, there will be No Other who shares such a desire, or nature, or DNA.
The more he strays from his essential nature and vision . . .
The more he moves toward any semblance of societal norms and expectations . . .
The more he strays from his own Purity of Vision . . .
The closer he moves toward an inevitable demise.
– Kapil Gupta
Related Reading: Wisdom For A King
Kapil Gupta is a personal advisor to Kings, Queens, CEO’s, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists around the world.
His books include:
Atmamun: The Path To Achieving The Bliss Of The Himalayan Swamis. And The Freedom Of A Living God
A Master’s Secret Whispers: For those who abhor the noise and seek The Truth about life and living
Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive truths to the enduring questions of life