Truth For The Intelligent Man


Lies not in fancy equations.



Lies not in mental models.



Lies not in the nonsense

That intellectuals speak of.


Those things

Are not intelligence.


Those things

Are the Attempt To Appear Intelligent.


The man who follows fads

Cannot be said to be intelligent.


Because after following many of them,

His intelligence would have informed him,

That fads do not work.


The reason that fads exist,

The reason that flavors of the day exist,

The reason that tips and tricks exist,

The reason that advertising exists,

Is because it thrives.


The reason it thrives

Is because those for whom it is made

Are not intelligent.


And since there is a sufficient and hearty population

That is not intelligent,

The market is ripe for the propaganda.


If the majority were intelligent,

Such things would not exist.


Because then they could not thrive.


The World is a place

Of brochures, bumper stickers,

Flyers, pamphlets, sensationalism,

Bells and whistles, red herrings, and outright lies.


This is not a problem.


But if one does not recognize this,

It becomes an enormous problem For Him.


Because he then becomes

A victim.


Whether it is success,

Becoming wealthy,

Becoming realized,

Becoming healthy,

Becoming peaceful,

Or any and every thing

That a man way want . . .


If one is given The Truth,

He can achieve it.


If he is given lies and propaganda,

He likely will never achieve it.


Everyone in the world

Is doing all sorts of things.


There is nothing wrong

With doing all sorts of things.


Everyone in the world

Is doing all sorts of things.


But despite doing all sorts of things

They are not reaching their goals.


Despite doing all sorts of things

For many years,

They are not going anywhere.


It requires an intelligent man

Even to consider this.


The unintelligent man

Will simply continue

The doing

Of the all sorts of things.


The intelligent man

May ask himself,

That if he seeks to achieve a particular thing,

Whatever that thing may be,

Does he wish to Minimize the time it takes

To acquire it?


Or does he wish to Maximize the time it takes

To acquire it?


The intelligent man

May ask himself,

That if he seeks to achieve a particular thing,

Whatever that thing may be,

Does he seek to put forth the maximal effort,

For effort-sake?


Or does he wish to put forth just enough effort

To achieve that thing?


The intelligent man

May ask himself,

That if he seeks to achieve a particular thing,

Whatever that thing may be,

Does he seek propaganda, hype, and all that the world offers?


Or does he seeks The Truth

About achieving it.


Why does the world do this?


One must be willing to understand

That the world not a place of Quality.

It is a place of quantity.


The World

Is not a place of Depth.

It is a place of volume.


The World

Is not interested

In what is True.


Truth is not its mandate.

Truth is not its goal.

Truth is not its interest.


The interest of the world and its experts

Lies in getting the most eyeballs.

Getting the most likes.

Getting the most people gathered.

Getting the most comments.

Getting the most nickels and dimes from as many people as possible.


The World

Deals in volume.


It is for this reason

That its bread and butter . . .

Its target and its sights . . .

Is The Masses.


Because The Masses

Is a place of Volume.


The higher the volume,

The better.


The masses are not intelligent.

Therefore, they will believe anything.


The masses have nickels and dimes.

A collection of many nickels and dimes

Creates a large heap of cash.


The masses are valuable

To The World.


The ones who achieve their goals

Are ones who are Intelligent.


They examine.

They discern.

They investigate.

They think.


The masses

Do not have time

To examine, discern, investigate, and think.



They are a tailor-made audience

And a match made in heaven

For The World.


Because The World

Is only interested in pumping out mass content at scale,

And millions of fads.

And the masses are ready

To buy into any and all fads that are released.


Not that they shouldn’t.

They may continue to do so.

And they will.

As they always have.


And The World will continue to do so

As it always has.


One who is Intelligent

Has the ability not to succumb

To the World.


If he really has intelligence,

He will understand

That Truth is his immensely valuable,

Completely indispensable,

And only practical ally.


