A Life Of Low Yield

The things that man

Has been conditioned to value

Have an incredibly low yield.


Man toils for decades

For a dollar or two.


He raises children for decades.

After which, they leave him.


All of his investments in life,

Whether he “deems” them

A “success” or a “failure,”

Are low-yield.


The amount of input

Far outweighs

The input.


The toil

Far outweighs

The result.


The work

Far outweighs

The reward.


He has become so conditioned to such a life

That he deems a “two or three percent” success rate

To be glorious.


Not recognizing

That a two or three percent success rate

Is a 97 to 98 percent failure.


He remains lost in the decimals.

He dumpster dives for fractions.

He invents machines to squeeze the last drop of water

Out of a dried-up sponge.


Is this the “life of abundance”

That the speakers, spiritualists, and posters speak of?


If life was so “abundant,”

Why would motivational speakers

Be in such high demand?


If life was so “abundant,”

Why would man need to hire people

To remind him of its “abundance?”


The world

Is a dried-up sponge.



Is a bottom-feeder.


Because life

Has such low yield.


Man loves to hear stories

That camouflage his living reality.


He will buy and replenish a machine

That pumps smoke into his living room.



To hide The Truth.


But there are things

That provide a high yield.


There is a way of life

That contains a high yield.


But it requires a man

Who is not interested in smoke.


It requires a man

Who is disenchanted

With low yields.


Give a man a ditch,

And he will make a home within it.


Give a man a life of low yield,

And he will dive into the decimal points.


This is the only life he knows.


It is the life he lives.


