Banned Interview: Not For Human Consumption

Interviews given to media outlets.

Banned from publication.

Deemed too “controversial” for audience consumption.

Created confusion in how to “couch or market it.”

Transcripts being published here.

Others may be revealed.


Interviewer: (I)

Myself: (M)


I: Kapil, thank you for agreeing to come on. I have waited a long time for this. Can we jump right in.

M: Yes.

I: The major theme in your work is an ability to poetically but unflinchingly state the truth. It’s poetic, but it’s raw. No punches are pulled. There’s something disarming about this. Because every time I read your words, it almost hurts. No, it actually does hurt. And it hurts deeply. Humans are not used to such raw honesty. But you don’t seem to shy away or give any relief. It’s just truth after truth after truth. Do you think it can be too much?

M: It’s almost certainly too much.

I: Yet you seem to be relentless about it.

M: You and I view things from two different sides of a chasm.

I: Can you please explain that?

M: You are viewing things in terms of ‘presentation,’ and ‘teaching’ and ‘making it easy and palatable’ for human beings. I don’t care about any of that. I don’t want or need human beings to get anything, or hear anything, or read any of my work, or do anything with it. I’m not doing it to help anybody.

I: There’s some more raw truth. Yes, according to that motivation it wouldn’t at all be about relief or dumbing things down or any of that. Because you aren’t trying to help or teach humans anything. But humans seem to be learning anyway. You seem to have struck a pretty deep chord.

M: I don’t know. If so, so be it.

I: There seems to also be somewhat of a rebellion in your work. A defiance against the establishment.

M: It’s a defiance against everything in the world. Because the world is nothing but lies.

I: Yes, you basically are against everyone and everything.

M: Anyone and everything that is not devoted to Truth.

I: All the articles, authors, speakers, and books ‘in the world’ as you call it, are about prescribing various practices and trying to help. But your work does a complete 180 from that. Why is that?

M: When you read and listen to all of those things, you may like them because they give you something to practice. And that makes you feel like you are getting somewhere. But the human never does. You just practice forever with nothing to show for it. Everything in the world is structured around sounding nice and having no effect. That’s what everything is. People like flowery talk and band-aids. That’s all these things are. None of it works. None of it has any lasting value. I’m only interested in things that Cure. Things that are Real. I’m not interested in meditation groups and fairy tales. If it isn’t Truth, it’s nonsense. If it isn’t Truth, it’s of no use to anyone.

I: So people should then abandon all these prescriptions and stop reading books and listening to guru’s and authors?

M: People shouldn’t do anything they don’t want to do. I’m not here to tell people to listen to me or do this or do that. That’s up to them.

I: You just say it like it is. People can do what they want.

M: Correct.

I: You are in love with truth.

M: There is not a single place anywhere in this world that provides direct Truth. That’s what I’ve wanted all my life. And couldn’t find it anywhere in the world. Not even in the so-called holy places that you would think it exists. So I devoted my life to discovering it.

I: Wow . . . I’ve also noticed that people enjoy back and forth. Discussion and debate.

M: Yes.

I: But you have no interest in that.

M: No.

I: Why is that?

M: Because discussion and debate is to get people to see things a certain way. Or to change their views. Or to pull them to your side. I don’t care if people see things a certain way. I have no interest in changing their views.

I: But many people, including my own, have totally changed their views after reading your work.

M: If you say so. But that’s up to them.

I: But doesn’t it give you satisfaction that they see some Truth? Or become transformed?

M: No.

I: No?

M: No.

I: But it’s a good thing that you’re doing for humanity.

M: I’m not doing it for humanity. I’m just doing it.

I: In some ways your words are for everyone. In other ways, they’re not for human consumption. Because the normal stuff, from the content to the discussion, is totally devoid. This is so incredibly far from humans are used to. I’m not even sure how my audience will react to this. It’s out of left field. But the authenticity is so powerful.

M: (Silence).

I: I’ve never asked this to anyone before. Do you think I should even air this interview?

M: Up to you.

