A Dose Of Reality

The world likes to paint lovely pictures.

For it is interested in appeasement

And empty messages of fluff and fancy.


Providing a man with a pillow

Does not protect him from the explosion.


The Truth

Is that life is not what a man thinks it to be.


The horizon is not full of hope.

In fact,

Hope is a destructive concept.


If life was as the world and its experts and minions painted it,

There would be little sorrow and strife.

And the world would be filled with gleeful faces.


The Truth is, the experts and minions desire to be liked.

Thus, they paint pretty lies

So that the world will hold them in favor.


Making a person feel better

Does nothing to prepare him for the next blow.



Does not prevent

What is coming.


The Truth is

In every facet of one’s life

Trouble is brewing.


He need not resort to belief.

He lives this.

He has been living this all his life.


Theories require belief

And daydreaming.


Concepts and notions require hope

And faith.


But the suffering that man experiences

On an hourly, if not daily, basis

Requires neither hope nor faith nor belief nor daydreaming.


It is front and center.

As his his acute and immediate reality.


To cover these wounds

With scented perfume

And rose petals

Is to deny the gravity of man’s experiences.


It is an insult

To the human himself.


Whatever a man has constructed,

From his relationships to his empires

Begin to crumble

The very day they are constructed.


This does not mean

That one should or should not construct them.


It simply means

That one must move through this life

With open eyes,

If he has any desire for Truth.


The world is a poisonous place

With poisonous lies.


It harbors no Truth.

Only knives wrapped in embroidered handkerchiefs.


It is only a thing that is Realized

That can begun to be cured.


Living in a world of smoke and mirrors

Only makes the impending devastations

That much more devastating.


All that one considers sacred in this life,

From those most intimate to him

To that which he holds most dear

Is almost certain to collapse before his very eyes.



Takes everything

From every man.


It has never

Spared a single one.


