Behind The Curtain

For eons,

Human beings have had a curtain pulled over their eyes.


Whether by noble intent,

Or ill intent,

The effect

Remains the same.


For eons,

Human beings have wandered directionless

In an expansive desert.


Living their entire lives

Chasing mirages.


Holy ones,

Blessed ones,

And Masters . . .

Rare and few

Have come and gone.


But even they

In their remarkable wisdom

Failed to see

That a man cannot be guided

By knowledge and instruction.


Even they

In their remarkable wisdom

Failed to see

That ‘help’

Is a false notion.


Man is a capable creature.

But he cannot be moved

Against his internal desires.


If he is asked

To rely upon faith,

He fails.


If he is asked

To take such and such action

He fails.


If he is told

To do this and that

He fails.


If he is told

To believe X or Y

He fails.


It is for such reasons

That man, throughout the ages,

Has known nothing

Other than failure.


He was searching eons ago.

He is searching still.


He was lost eons ago.

He remains lost today.


The Elixirs . . .

The Truths . . .

The Ultimate things in a human life

Have always remained behind lock and key.


Reserved for the Devoted.


A mule

Can work hard.


An ant

Can practice forever.


A dunce

Can do what he is told.


An idiot

Can have faith.


But such modalities

Cannot lead a man

To that which is Eternal.


Let it be known,

That any man

Forced against his will

Is led to failure.


Man has lived for eons

With the curtain pulled over his eyes.


When the curtain is pulled away

It is not necessarily the case

That man will suddenly See.


For he will likely not know what to make

Of what now sits before him.


Truth lies not

In ‘making him’ See.


Whether he sees or not

Depends upon a desire

Which does or does not arise

Within his heart.


If he desires to Understand

That which lies behind the curtain,

Then it is perhaps the will of Destiny.


Humans are not creatures

To be ‘helped.’


Particularly not

In matters of Ultimate Truth.


Though the curtain has been pulled away

The legions that stand before it

May continue to live under the darkness

They are accustomed to.


For familiarity

Is not a thing

Easily broken.



Is not a decision.


If a man moves toward it

He does so because he is pulled

By a force unseen.


All that exists in the world

Is but a lie.


The curtain has been pulled back.

But The Truth

That sits stark and bright

Before man’s eyes

May be too bright

And too stark

For him to bear.


For the one who moves toward it,

It is his Destiny

To do so.


