The Intellectual, The Scientist, And The Spiritualist Can Never Realize The Truth

The intellectual,

The scientist,

And the spiritualist

Are not candidates for The Truth.


They live on the opposite side of the tracks.

On the other side of the wall.

They live in a cinder block house

Whose windows are sealed shut.


Closed off

From any possibility

Of Truth.


The scientist

Has created many things

In this world.


Many things

That are beneficial

To humans.


In biology,



And the like.


It would not be unfair

For him to state

That a bridge that spans

The San Francisco bay

Is a version of Truth.



And engineering

Have indeed created great marvels of human ingenuity.


But the Truths about the things

That trouble the Human within the scientist,

The Human within the intellectual,

The Human within the spiritualist

Is something they can never come to know.


The scientist believes

That if it cannot be produced

In a laboratory,

It cannot be true.


The scientist believes

That if it cannot be understood by way of a theory

It cannot be true.


The scientist believes

That if it is not published in a “peer-reviewed journal,”

It cannot be true.


Shall it first be said,

That the scientist reacts against

The spiritualist.


His actions stem from his strict aversion

To the spiritualist’s notion of “faith.”



He insists upon “scientific verification.”


This is both reasonable

And sound.


For “faith” is a pie-in-the-sky concept.

If a man functions according to faith,

Then anything goes.


He can have “faith”

That one day elephants will fly,

And that holy water will flow out of kitchen faucets.


But in reacting against the spiritualist,

The scientist fails to see his own blind-spot.


In believing that a laboratory is the gold standard

For identifying Truth,

He operates under the assumption

That the laboratory possesses the requisite tools to detect it.


In believing that his “analysis”

Is necessary to verify Truth,

He operates under the assumption

That he has the eyes to recognize Truth

If it appears before him.


In such ways,

The scientist subscribes to the very same “faith”

That he blames the spiritualist for.


The only difference being

That the spiritualist has faith in a spirit or god,

While the scientist has faith in the laboratory

And in his own capacity.


Both of them

Operate under the shadow of assumption.


The intellectual

Loves academia.


The intellectual

Loves books, concepts, and principles.


The intellectual

Loves mental models, data points,

Schoozy-suzie’s, and goozy-goozy’s.


The more academic,





And cerebral it sounds,

The more head-over-heels the intellectual will be.


Because to the intellectual,

Anything and everything

Is about the cocktail party.


To the intellectual,

Anything and everything

Is about the stage



At the heart of the intellectual

Is the desire to be known as “smart,”

And a “thought-leader,”

And “intelligent.”


The intellectual does not have the capacity

To abandon his mental models,

And his schoozy-suzie’s, and goozy-goozy’s.


He simply can’t.

Because by doing so,

He would be stripped naked.


He would have nothing to hide behind.

He would abandon his image

Of the “smart man.”


And this is something

He simply cannot allow.



Is, therefore,

Not a possibility for him.


The spiritualist

Loves the fanciful and the dreamy.


He loves the chants,

The incense,

The meditation,

The mindfulness.


He is enamored

By the mention of love, love, love.

And “one-ness.”

And “loving kindness.”


He enjoys attending retreats

Which provide their own set of clothing,

And preach silence and lotus positions.


The spiritualist loves the idea of a guru.

He loves being “guru’d.”


In fact,

He enjoys saying the words, “My guru.”


The spiritualist likes to Belong.

Belong to a guru.

Belong to a sect.

Belong to an -ism.

Belong to a faction or an order.


Without a group of some sort,

The spiritualist begins to suffocate.


Truth is not possible

For the scientist,

The intellectual,

Or the spiritualist.


For none of them

Are interested in Truth.


The scientist will “allow” for Truth

So long as it grows in the laboratory.


The intellectual will “allow” for Truth

So long as it can be made into a principle

Or mental model

Or into a pomp-and-flare title

That he can use at cocktail parties.


The spiritualist will “allow” for Truth

So long as it can be had through his mindfulness routines,

And so long as he doesn’t have to abandon his guru

Or his incense.


If it cannot be “practiced,”

The intellectual and the spiritualist

Have no use for it.


If it cannot be “petri dished”

The scientist has no use for it.



Does not abide

By man’s conditions.



Has nothing but conditions.


The scientist,

The intellectual,

And the spiritualist

Function according to an ulterior motive.


The scientist

Does not want Truth.

He wants Science.


The intellectual

Does not want Truth.

He wants Intellectualism.


The spiritualist

Does not want Truth.

He wants Spirituality.



Does not want

Any of them.



Seeks no man.


