Banned Interview: I Have Transformed

Interviews given to media outlets.

Banned from publication.

Deemed too “controversial” for audience consumption.

Created confusion in how to “couch or market it.”

Transcripts being published here.

Others may be revealed.


Interviewer: (I)

Myself: (M)


I: I had an original agenda and questions lined in anticipation of this interview. Last night I scrapped them. I really hesitated before doing that because I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk about something so personal. This is the most personal interview I’ve ever done and I’m not totally comfortable with it . . . Fact is, I feel that I’ve been transformed.

M: (Silence).

I: I’ve never had the honor of speaking with you. But listened to every one of your public talks, and twitter spaces, clubhouse and so on . . . And literally bought every last one of your paid products. Been digesting it for the last few years. And about 2 or 3 weeks ago I noticed that my life was different. I can’t really explain it. The outside is all the same. The things in my life are the same. But inside myself, my life is different. I feel totally transformed. Are you able to offer any explanation for this?

M: Such things occur by way of some mysterious alchemy.

I: Totally. And the strange thing is that I never actually “did” anything. Just like you always say, it isn’t about doing. And hell, I’ve been addicted to doing all my life. All I’d ever heard about and all I’d ever known was doing.

M: (Silence).

I: I have to say I’m transformed. But so confused as I try to make sense of it. How in the world did this happen? I can’t explain it. And the fact that I can’t explain it sort of bugs me. Is there an explanation?

M: Not an intellectual one.

I: What can you say about how this happened to me?

M: Truth is the most powerful thing in the universe. Exposure to it tends to transform a human. Depending upon the human’s degree of readiness.

I: Well I’ve certainly been exposing myself to it for, as I said, the last few years. And you know, I’m massively conflicted about something. I want to tell everyone about this. That’s why I have a successful podcast. I have a pretty powerful platform and can share this with a lot of people. Which is why I invited you on. But a part of me isn’t sure about doing this. Because it’s almost too fantastic to reveal. They won’t believe how I’ve transformed. No one will believe me. It will sound like salesmanship and hype. But this is the one time in my life where the hype is actually real. There just isn’t any way to over hype it. No amount of hype is too much. Not for this. Not for what I’ve attained. Should I tell everyone or not?

M: Up to you.

I: Are you surprised by my transformation?

M: No.

I: Why not?

M: It has happened too many times to count.

I: So my story is not unique?

M: No. The Truth has an effect upon the human mind and the human constitution, that nothing can surpass.

I: I don’t know how to thank you. But I also don’t feel that you are blown away by what I’ve told you.

M: No.

I: Do you think we should get the word out?

M: There is no ‘we.’

I: Do you think I should get the word out?

M: Up to you.

I: So why are you not enthusiastic about wanting the world to know?

M: I suppose it doesn’t do anything for me.

I: To literally transform human lives doesn’t do anything for you?

M: It’s between the human and the Truth.

I: So you don’t really care if I get the word out.

M: Up to you.

I: Do you not want the people to know?

M: I don’t have a great deal of interest in ‘the people.’

I: So it doesn’t give you a sense of satisfaction to transform peoples’ lives? Especially when you hear the story about what you did for me?

M: I didn’t try to do it. Not for you or anyone else. It is all about revealing The Truth. The one whose ready for it . . . something may happen for him.

I: May??

M: Yes.

I: But it DOES happen.

M: I have no interest in saying that humans should read my work, buy my materials, listen to my talks and that if they do they will feel or achieve this, that, or the other.

I: But why not! You could sell the hell out of what you have. For a thousand times what you charge.

M: Listen, you happened to find it. It benefitted you. So be it. That is wonderful for you.

I: Well, I’m not going to stop consuming it. I just don’t know if I should tell everyone. Because I know that I wouldn’t be able to control my excitement, and then it’s going to sound like hype.

M: (Silence).

I: If I decide to get the word out and air this interview, I’ll let you know. Sir, I literally owe you my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

