Banned Interview: The Siddha Arrivals

Interviews given to media outlets.

Banned from publication.

Deemed too “controversial” for audience consumption.

Created confusion in how to “couch or market it.”

Transcripts being published here.

Others may be revealed.


Interviewer: (I)

Myself: (M)


I: Kapil, I thank you for coming on. I have a burning question, and to be honest, I’m not sure I’ll even get to other questions because I’m so intrigued.

M: (Silence).

I: I have been going through your publicly available discourses for months now. And on your website I came across something that, since the day I came across it, I haven’t been able to get out of my mind. I practically find myself losing sleep over it. What I’m talking about is The Siddha Arrivals. And the fact that they go for a 7-figure pledge.

M: Is it The Siddha Arrivals that intrigue you? Or the pledge?

I: Well, both. Will the pledge always be 7-figures for each Siddha Arrival?

M: There have been moments late in the night when I have made it 6-figures. But by morning, it was back to 7-figures. That may happen again. It may not. Or quite frankly, it may move to 8-figures, or perhaps 9 or 10 figures. But, frankly, if it is the pledge that intrigues you, not only is it not for you, but you have missed the Essence.

I: No, it wasn’t just the pledge. From the looks of it, it is perhaps the most comprehensive offering you have to date. Would this be accurate?

M: Of the offerings I have made available to the world, yes absolutely.

I: Do you believe it is even more comprehensive than becoming a private client?

M: I would say . . . Yes, without question.

I: Who are The Siddha Arrivals for?

M: They are not ‘for’ anyone.

I: I understand. But the individuals who have purchased them tend to be what sort of individuals?

M: Firstly, they are not available for ‘purchase.’ A pledge must be made, as you have outlined. And along with the pledge there must be a letter. Not just anyone with a 7-figure pledge can receive them.

I: What type of individuals have pledged and received The Siddha Arrivals?

M: These are rare individuals.

I: Obviously they must be wealthy.

M: Wealth is not enough. Many so-called wealthy individuals have had their applications denied.

I: For what reason?

M: There are many wealthy individuals in this world. Wealth does not make a man Sincere. Wealth does not make a man Serious. In many ways, wealth is a dime a dozen.

I: What sort of results have these individuals gained from The Siddha Arrivals?

M: I have received many appreciative and laudatory letters from them. To be honest, I don’t read them closely.

I: Why not?

M: Whatever they did or did not gain is personal to them. The relationship is not with me. It is between them and the words. In any case, those who tend to be goal-oriented are best to stay away from my work.

I: Can you kindly explain?

M: If someone invests in my work with the mindset of “If I read this, I’ll jump so many levels and become an instant success,” they are chasers. The irony is, this very thing often tends to happen. But it tends to happen for those who come with the desire to Learn, to Understand, and to Explore. Rather than those who come for a chase and a prescription.

I: Indeed. The thing I have found about your work is that it sometimes takes time for it to grow within you. When I first read and heard the things you said, they were so wildly off the grid to what I had ever heard, and beyond my level of understanding. I have to admit I was even offended at times. It was like a sledgehammer to the head. I didn’t truly understand until months later. And that’s just one of your teachings. So many more that just haven’t hit home yet.

M: I understand.

I: I suppose the comprehensive nature of The Siddha Arrivals allows for a digestion of it? Would you say that’s why they’ve been so potent and successful for those who have been fortunate enough to receive them?

M: Their potency and success is something for the individuals themselves to decide. That is between them and the words. But when you are provided Truths, with explanations of the Truth in question, it allows one to live with it, and revisit the document again and again. Allowing for the opportunity for it to mature within the human being. All of my work provides this opportunity. The Siddha Arrivals far moreso because of their comprehensive nature and design.

I: Aside from the ones who have already pledged and received, who do you recommend make a pledge for The Siddha Arrivals?

M: Those who have pledged and received The Siddha Arrivals were not ‘recommended’ to pledge. I do not recommend for or against doing so.

I: I must admit, I’m burning with curiosity to know these Truths.

M: Then they are not for you.

I: Why not?

M: Mere curiosity is an insufficient space for the blossoming of Truth.

I: Where can people find out more about you.

M: They can type my name in a search engine.

I: Do you have any message for our listeners.

M: I do not.

I: Perhaps The Siddha Arrivals may be of help to them.

M: Perhaps, but likely not.

I: Why?

M: As I said, Serious humans are exceedingly rare.

I: How can they become more serious?

M: Did they ask you how to become more serious?

I: No.

M: Then why force it upon them?

I: Guess I’m always looking to provide help to my audience.

M: (Silence).

