On Actually Getting Somewhere

What is The Truth?


The world and its experts,

Its mentors,

Its spiritualists,

Its guru’s,

Its motivationalists,

its authors,

Its priests and pundits

Provide nothing other

Than Entertainment.


The world and its people,

From the rich to the poor,

From the Eastern to the Western,

From the religious to the spiritual,

Are seeking nothing other

Than Entertainment.


There is no evil

On the part of the masses

For seeking Entertainment.


There is no evil

On the part of the experts, spiritualists, guru’s, authors, motivationalists, and priests and pundits . . .

For offering Entertainment.


The one who is a fan of such things

Is simply looking for a place

To see others of like-mind,

A place to nod his head in agreement,

A place to surrender his reasoning,

A place to feel “spiritual,”

A place to make himself/herself feel good for having done penance or religious deeds.


What a man notices

After having read hundreds of self-help and motivational and spiritual and religious books . . .

And after having listened to hundreds of lectures from gurus, and speakers at conferences . . .

Is that many years later

He has not seen any real change

In himself.


What this man was when he first started attending and reading

Is the same as he is today.


Nothing in his life

Has really changed at all.


The same questions remain.

The same problems recur.

The same chases go on.

Everything remains essentially . . . The Same.


If he asks either the guru

Or his friends or family or experts,

They simply tell him what they have told humanity for ages . . .

“Just keep doing it.”


The masses are unserious.

And, therefore,

Not getting anywhere

Is of no consequence to them.


Thus the blind

Will keep leading the blind.


But for the Serious man . . .

For the man who seeks to Actually Get Somewhere . . .

He is out of luck.


Because the world and its gurus,




And priests and pundits

Have an enormous amount to offer

The masses.

But they have nothing to offer

The one who seeks to Actually Get Somewhere.


In order to Actually Get Somewhere,

It is not that one’s work ethic must improve.

Or that he must have more “grit.”

Or that he must “improve his habits.”

Or that he must create “better routines.”

Or that he must learn about yoga, toga, or boga.

Or that he must attend more sermons.


In order to Actually Get Somewhere,

A man must be Interested in learning

Where “Getting Somewhere” comes from.

And where it does not.


In order to Actually Get Somewhere,

A man must be Interested in learning

What is True,

And what is fool’s gold.


It is not that he “should” learn this.

It is that he must have the Interest in learning this.


This Interest cannot be manufactured.

If it is not there,

This does not make him a bad person.


If it is there,

He has an opportunity to Actually Get Somewhere.


