What Shall One Do With His Life

A human will trip and stumble

Over the notion of goodness.


He wishes for his life

To mean something.


He wishes to leave the world

“A better place.”


In the end,

The content of what he does

Is irrelevant.


The world will not care

One way or the other.


The human overvalues

His impact.

And undervalues

His opportunity.


If he wishes to build companies,

Climb mountains,

Or race cars . . .

So be it.


His opportunity

Lies in the experience,

Rather than the achievement.



They tend to go hand in hand.


If he listens to others,

He will not touch

His possibility.


What shall he do

With his life.



Or meagerness.

What calls to him

He will move toward.


To become an authority

On the words of others

Will make him a parrot.


Humans tend to admire

Who they have been taught

To admire.


Few are worthy

Of admiration.


What a man creates

Must arise from himself.


What he sets out to do

Matters not.


Who supports him

And applauds him

Matters not.


Whom he inspires

Matters not.


All that matters

Is that the creation

Is his alone.



By influence

And interference.


What shall one do

With his life.


If he chases principles

Such as goodness

And improving the world,

He is a farce.

And his creation

Will be a mere puppet show.


The world

Cannot be saved.


But a man

Can set himself Free.


