Sports And Business Coaching Is By And For . . . The Riff-Raff

As for all of my work,

This is only for the Serious man.


Solely for the man

Who longs for The Truth.


One must come to understand

That this entire world

Is a trash bin.


It is essentially

A flea-market

Selling worn shoes

And used toothbrushes.


The world consists

Of individuals who procure a degree

From an institution

That teaches the same regurgitated information

To all who sit in its plastic seats.


All having read

From the same regurgitated syllabus,

They hang a shingle

And begin their “coaching.”


They then glance at each other’s prices

And provide discounts

And package deals.


They then hire marketers

To advertise their packages

To the public.


All of their ideas

Are nepotistic

And regurgitated.


They have been taught


They then go out and teach

This XYZ.


Some coaches

Create institutions.


They license their coaching service

And create an army of “XYZ – Certified” coaches.


Understand this:

If a teaching is truly unique,

How can it be “certified” to another?


If a human’s discoveries are truly unique,

How can any human besides himself

Teach them?



What the world of coaching is,

Across the corporate and marketing and sports domains,

Is a group of heavily-regurgitated information

Offered at various discounts.


These are what you have

Available to you.


This is the only thing

You have ever had

Available to you.


This is

The riff-raff.


You might have been told,

“Find a coach.”

So you did.


And the coach you found

Was from the riff-raff.


Because the riff-raff

Is all that is available in the world.


There is no riff-raff-section,

And non-riff-raff-section.


It is all riff-raff.


Truth be told,

The masses

Are also riff-raff.



They, and likely you, included

Deserve the riff-raff.


The riff-raff coach

Has nothing unique or legendary

To offer.


The masses

Are not in search of anything

Unique or legendary.



It is perfectly reasonable for them,

And likely you,

To “go find one.”


The trouble arises

When a man is seeking something

That is genuinely Effective

And possibly Transformative.


The trouble arises

When a man is seeking

The Truth

About his particular domain.


The moment that a man

Begins to seek such things,

The world disappears.


The bevy of coaches,

And coaching institutions

Suddenly disappear

As a viable candidate for him.


But he does not realize this.

Because he has never been told,

Or come to his own Realization,

About the reality of things.


The moment he seeks Truth,

And genuine and lasting Efficiency,

The world’s coaches

Are of no use to him.


Because he has separated himself

From the riff-raff.


But all that is available to him . . .

All that the world has on offer . . .

Is the riff-raff.


It is for this reason

That across all domains,

Coaching seldom bears fruit.


It is for this reason

That across all domains,

Despite there being thousands of coaches

And coaching institutions,

Elite-ness occurs

Less than 0.01 percent of the time.


And frankly,

Even amongst those who are elite,

Legend-ness is effectively zero.


It is difficult, if not impossible,

For a man to come to the Understanding

That the thousands of coaches in the world

Can do little for him.


This lack of Understanding,

Costs him

A life of endless chases.


And a life

Of endless failures.

