Improvement Is Futile

If you were to look at your life,

You would notice

That you spend your time

Doing things that matter not.


You spend your life

Passing the time.


You drink poisonous substances.

You listen to offensive music.

You watch brain-less television shows.

You gossip about those you do not like.

And you have unfathomably . . .

Wasted your potential.


Is telling you this

Going to make you feel bad?


It might.


But if it does

The bad feeling will wear off by evening.


Is telling you this

Going to “spur you into action.”


It might.


But you have spurred yourself

Into action before . . .

Through spirituality and self-help.


Where did that lead?


You may change the offensive music

To more pleasant music.


You may think more about your future.


You may attempt to be kinder.


Where will this lead?


You will have an incremental improvement

In your life.


And this incremental improvement

Will afford you . . .



Others may say

You are nicer.


This may make you feel good,

For roughly twelve minutes.


You will work harder.

But will working harder

Truly allow you to achieve your potential?


All the things you will do

Are the only things you Can do.


The only things you Can do

Are the only things you know.


The only things you know

Are the things the world has taught you.


But the world

Has never gotten anywhere.


And this is what it has taught You.


If you are successful,

You do not have peace.


If you are poor,

You do not have money.


No matter who you are

Or what you are,

You do not have Freedom.


Your change . . .

Your improvements . . .

Affect your life

Roughly as much

As changing dirty socks

For clean ones.


Unless a man’s life

Has fundamentally transformed,

He is simply swirling muddy water.


You may change.

You may not change.


You may improve.

You may not improve.


You may better yourself.

You may not better yourself.


You may become more self-aware.

You may not become more self-aware.


Either way,

Your life will Never

Move into the realm

Of The Ultimate.


And a life that does not move

Toward the Ultimate,

Is but chit chat

At your cocktail parties.


