A Little Bit Of Freedom

It matters not

How comfortable

A man’s life is . . .


He has zero Freedom.


He has . . . nothing.


He may say,

I am Free,

Because I can do what I want.


Freedom is not

Doing what one wants.


Because what one wants

Is not chosen by him.


The “wanting”

Is not something

He chooses

Of a free mind

And a free will.


The wanting

Is thrust upon him

By his mind.


So he is at all times

Doing the mind’s bidding.


If a man

Can turn off his thoughts

At will.


Then he has some Freedom.


If he can drop anything in his life

Without hesitation.

At a moment’s notice,

Then he has some Freedom.


If he can turn off the faucet of confusion

Or turmoil

Or anxiety

In an instant . . .


Then he has some Freedom.


Even if he has but a Percentage

Of such things . . .

Then he has a Percentage

Of Freedom.


But he has none.

He has nothing.

He has no such powers.

He has no such ability.



He is but a comfortable

Poor man.


The designation of “poor man”

Is not an abstract one.


It is most acute.

And profoundly practical.


For he himself

In each hour of the day

Feels the weight of suffering

And anxiety,

And has sought for his entire life

To be free of it.



It is not abstract

Or “spiritual”



It is his very own complaint.

It is his very own desire

To be rid of it.



No matter what he has,

No matter how much he has achieved,

Unless he has Some Freedom,

He has absolutely nothing at all.


This is not a judgment

Forced upon him.


It is

His very own

Living experience.


For if he had Something

He would not be “searching”

Every single moment

Of every single day

Each day of his entire life

For pleasure.


Why is he searching?


Even though he may be wealthy

And famous?


Because he does not have

What he Seeks.


And what he Seeks

Is . . .

A Little Bit Of Freedom.

