Getting What You Desire

Shall it be known,

That each man gets

What he desires.


From the achiever

To the sloth.


No man becomes a sloth

Who does not desire to be.


No man becomes an achiever

Who does not desire to be.


An ear that is directed

To the advice of the world

Is an ear that hears lies.


An ear that hears lies

Propels a body

Toward actions that bring failure.


He who works hard

Out of principle

Invites failure.


He who functions from a place

Of following notions and tenets

Invites sorrow and struggle.


He who requires a push today

Will require another push tomorrow.


He who requires a prescription for the first step

Will require more prescriptions

For subsequent steps.


He who values the world

Listens to the world.

He who listens to the world

Acts according to the world.

He who acts according to the world

Gets what the world gets.


The overwhelming majority of the world

Fails and struggles

For their entire life.


If failure and struggle

Is what one seeks,

Then it is logical

To listen to the world.


In all things

That a man hears,

If he is wise,

He will consider the source.


If a man’s heart is pure

There is wisdom in lending an ear to it.


The world celebrates desire

And the chase to fulfill it.


It values the chase.

It values hope.

Thus it espouses the tenet

Of hoping

And chasing




Has never existed

In the world.


It exists

Only in the rare few

Who value it

More than they value

The world.


