Why You Buy And Consume Junk
If a world class photographer buys a camera,
He does not go to the nickel and dime store.
For he realizes
That if he pays a nickel and a dime
Or if he goes to the nickel and dime store,
They do not have the camera
That befits him.
For he is not interested in taking a few snapshots
Of flowers and smiling faces
That he will hang at a tilted angle
Above the dining room table.
He is as particular
And precise
And meticulous
And careful
In choosing the camera he buys,
As he is in the execution of his craft.
After years of investigation
And experience
And trial and error,
He has likely found ONE particular camera
From ONE particular supplier.
Whatever it costs, it costs.
And he will never deviate from this camera
Or supplier.
For he simply cannot risk
Or compromise
The sanctity of his art.
This is the way it is
With any man
Who is the Elite of the Elite.
For their care and devotion
And exquisite attention to detail
Cannot be trusted to just anything
Or just anyone.
What is most astonishing about man
Is that he is willing to entrust not only his craft
Or equipment to anyone or anything,
But actually his very LIFE
To anyone or anything.
Why would a man
Place his LIFE
In the hands of cheap theories
Magazine clippings
Popular quotes
Self-help cliches
And spiritual jargon?
Why would he buy
And consume . . .
The answer is simple.
He would buy and consume junk
For the same reason
That a casual photographer
Would buy a camera
For nickels and dimes.
The casual photographer
Has no interest in being world class.
His work is cheap
And of low quality.
He buys and consumes
That which is cheap
And of low quality.
For a man to be a casual photographer
Does not cause him harm.
For it is not his interest to be world class.
Thus, he is fine with junk.
But every man lives a Life.
And is there any man in the world
Who intentionally seeks
A junk Life?
There is no such thing
As a “casual Live-er.”
Each man
Seeks to be a World Class Live-er.
Whether in the form of happiness
Or freedom
Or success
Or wisdom
Or whatever it may be.
But the reason
That he buys and consumes junk
Is because that is what he thinks of his Life.
And that
Is what he thinks of Himself.
This is why
He nickels and dime’s.
This is why
He consumes self-help
And spirituality.
This is why
He is neither particular
Nor precise
Nor meticulous
In what he buys
And consumes.
He can sit and chant
And meditate
And mindfulness
And self-improve
And stoicize
His life away.
No results?
No problem.
After all,
He considers his life useless.
And it is for this reason
That “practice” without getting anywhere
Is acceptable to him.
He welcomes failure.
And courts struggle.
Because this is the regard
That he has for himself.
After all,
“Failure” is the new meme in society.
Fail, fail, and fail again.
Hooray for failure.
How exhilarating.
A man who thinks of himself as garbage
Will buy and consume . . .
A man who consumes the bumper sticker slogans,
Considers his life
To be worth
A soiled bumper.
The point is not that he should change.
There is no need for him to change.
There is no need for him
To have self-respect.
There is no need
To have greater value for his Life.
There is no need
To improve the way he thinks of himself.
There is no need
For him to stop nickel and dime’ing.
This is simply why he does
What he does.
Kapil Gupta is a personal advisor to Kings, Queens, CEO’s, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists around the world.
His books include:
Atmamun: The Path To Achieving The Bliss Of The Himalayan Swamis. And The Freedom Of A Living God
A Master’s Secret Whispers: For those who abhor the noise and seek The Truth about life and living
Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive truths to the enduring questions of life