He Who Is Ready

It is not possible

To speak Truth

To human beings.


For human beings

Are caught in a spider’s web.


A web of opinion.

A web of belief.

A web of conditioning.

A web of prescription-seeking.

A web of lies.


While such an individual

Is the one most in Need of Truth,

He is also the individual

Who simply is unequipped to receive it.


The mere mention

Of a Truth

Sets him off

Into a litany of responses

And pseudo-questions.


If he is told,

“You Are Imprisoned By Your Mind,”

Before the words touch the peripheral skin of his ears,

He will launch into his schizophrenic litany:

“But I need my mind.”

“How can I live without my mind.”

“How will I make decisions.”

“I will become dumb, I want to remain intelligent.”

“How will I plan.”

“Blah, blah, blah, blee, blee, blee.”

And on and on.


He may be told

To shut his inane, petulant, reactive, moronic, idiotic mouth.

But this would do little good.

For even if he shuts his mouth,

He will still be shouting “blah, blah, blah” inside his head.


Such a human being

Is not interested in Truth.

What he is interested in

Is Information On His Terms.


It is not that he Should seek Truth.

It is just that

He is simply not a candidate for it.


He Who Is Ready

Does not launch into a tirade.


It is not this behavior

That marks him as Ready.


What marks him as Ready

Is that he is willing to give Anything

To Know The Truth.



The tirade is of no interest to him.


Every question that he asks

Is a sincere and gentle and probing and serious

Longing to Know.


He asks no Pseudo-questions:

Comments in the form of a question.


He Who Is Ready

Is Insatiable.


Not insatiable for knowledge.

But insatiable for Truth.


He Who Is Ready

Cannot go days or weeks or moths

Without hearing Truth.


For he has come to recognize

That his daily existence is but a tsunami

That continually washes him out to sea.



Is not a part-time endeavor

For him.


Not because it is good

Or healthy.

But because he has somehow come to the irreversible realization

That it is the Only Effective Means,

And the Only Way Out Of Suffering.


When one realizes

That a particular Thing

Is the Only Thing,

He needs no coercion

Or convincing.


He is willing to do anything

And give everything.


Where he once had “no time,”

He suddenly does.

Where he once had “no money,”

He suddenly does.

Where he once had “little sincerity,”

He suddenly does.


A man who sees

That a particular Thing

Is the Only Thing,

Excuses have no possibility of arising.


He Who Is Ready

Wants to know



He is willing to Give Everything



He is willing to burn his beliefs and opinions



Because he has at last realized

That Truth

Is absolutely and without contest

The only thing there is.


Because he has at last realized

That Truth

Is absolutely and without contest

The only thing that can grant him

All that he has ever desired.

