What Man Is Searching For

Man lives a life

Of escape.


Of pleasure

And of chases.


He works to provide sustenance.

He toils for title.

He curries favor.

He seeks admiration.


But these are not

What he is Truly searching for.


Man is searching

For the beyond.


He is searching

For the elixir.


He is searching

For things that quench his indescribable thirst.


He is searching

For the otherworldly.


He is searching for all

That is not routine



And domestic.


His heart longs to soar.

He eyes scan the heavens.


He is searching for magic.

He is searching

For grandeur.


Having lived his entire life

Under the weight of the ordinary

The problematic

The disappointing

And the routine . . .


He craves

A way out.


He thirsts

For something more.


Man searches desperately

For what Nature has found.


He searches for it

In the length of days.


He longs for it

In the depth of dreams.


Something within him

Has always hungered

For the extraordinary.


Something within him

Has always craved

That which is beyond this world.


He seeks a life

Beyond the conflicts.

Beyond the predictable.

Beyond the responsibilities.

Beyond the burdens.


He has lived so long without such things

He forgot long ago

That he searches for them still.


Every moment

Of his existence.


It is only when he is reminded of this

That his dreams begin again.

