A Pure Existence


In imagining a pure existence

One may have thoughts of a monastic life

Or religious order.


It may certainly be

That some of the individuals who enter into

What is deemed a “spiritual” life

Are moved by a force of purity.


It may also be

That entering such a way of life

Provides them what they seek.


At the very least

The entry into a monastic order

Or religious existence

Serves to divorce a human

From the filth and the poison

That is the modern world.


For most

This may be enough.


But any institution

No matter its lofty intent . . .

And any doctrine

No matter its ostensible goodness . . .

Proves unnatural in its own right.


And in most cases

Such orders serve as more of an escape

Than a precipice.


A human that relies upon doctrine

Or institutionalized living

Or routines, rules, and principles

To find The Way . . .

Can never find it.


A pure existence

Is rooted not in a desire to appear pure

But in a desire to jettison all that is not.


It is the organic-ness and the personal-ness

Of motivation

That drives any significant human endeavor.


He who seeks to join a group

Of any kind

Seeks but comfort and socialization

Above all else.


A pure existence

Is heralded not by the nature and content of action

But by the nature of one’s desire.


Though he may be swept away by the world

For various intervals of time

He cannot help but continually return

To a desire that does not recede

And is not tainted.


Purity is that

Which the world cannot touch.
