Help Has No Meaning

A guru who gives a speech

An author who writes a book

All the so-called experts around the world

Profess to “help.”


What does it mean

To help?


The masses who listen to the speeches

The masses who read the books

The masses who follow the hacks, methods, and prescriptions

Are seeking help.


What does it mean

To seek help?


The question will sound odd

Because the humans of the world

Have lived under the spell of this notion

For their entire lives.


When a thing

Is the Only thing one has ever known,

It is unsettling and confusing

To hear anything that does not conform

To that particular Thing.


If the experts were to be asked what he is doing,

They would invariably respond

That they are trying to “help.”


If the masses and the audience were asked

What they are doing,

They would invariably respond

That they are searching for “help.”


What is this thing

Called “help?”


Given that there are millions of guru’s

And millions of authors

Then humans of the world

Must have been enormously helped by now.


Have they been?


If one were to state that they have,

Then why are they still following prescriptions

Doing austerities

Reading more books

Listening to more speeches?


If they are seeking More help

How much help is enough?


Will they ever reach their goal?

Is there a goal?

Or do they seek only to keep putting ointment on the wounds

As they appear?


What is a guru

Or an author Really doing?


What is a follower

And a practitioner Really doing?


The guru

And the author

Are Really serving their ego.


The follower

Is lying on a table at a day spa

Seeking to be fixed.


The guru and the author’s ego

Will never be satisfied.

And the Truth is

They do not seek it to be.


The follower’s problems

Will never be fixed.

And the Truth is

He does not seek them to be.


The Truth is

The guru enjoys the notion of helping.

He enjoys the applause.

He enjoys the prospect of feeling “helpful.”


The Truth is

The follower enjoys being a follower.

He enjoys the feeling of being “spiritual”

And being a “practitioner.”

And “self-improving.”


Speaker and audience

Leader and follower

Are both running on the same treadmill

Looking at beautified video images on the console.

When the 60 minutes is up

They step off the treadmill

Into their default lives

Until the next treadmill session.



Has no meaning.


Guru’s and authors

Their speeches and their books

Have no meaning.


Following prescriptions

And being a good little practitioner

And a good little yogi

Has no meaning.


All things in this world

Are showmanship.



Be it in the form of human character

Or in the form of pure desire

Or in the form of sincerity

Is virtually absent

In this plastic world.



Is a swirling of muddy water.


But humans practice it

Because they enjoy the act

Of swirling.

