The Spiritualist And The Intellectual

The Spiritualist:


“Did you listen to Swami Know-It-All-Ananda’s talk?


It was wonderful.


Though, I’m not sure why his hair is white and his beard is black . . .


In any case, the Swami’s talk was wonderful.


But, I don’t like him as much as I like Swami-All-Is-Love-Ananda.


I have a quote from him. It’s so good.


Have you heard that quote?


My god, it’s so good.


He is coming this week, let’s go see him.


Okay, I have a hair appointment at 3pm, after that we will grab some dinner and go.


I’ve been practicing my half-lotus. I’m almost there. How’s yours? . . . “




The Intellectual:


“Have you read thinking-fast-and-slow? Oh what a wonderful book.


But Seneca says that you should comb your hair to the left, but I comb my hair to the right.


I wonder what Dan Kahneman does. What would he think about that?


I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll read Sapiens to find out.


Honestly, I think that the principle of schoozy-koozy is really on point.


In fact, last week I attended a talk by that new best-selling author Smart-Man PhD.


Have you heard Smart-Man PhD?


He feels that the schoozy-koozy principle is getting outdated. It’s almost a month old now.


Tonight I am hosting a cocktail party and I’m going to invite John, Bob, and Gary.


Are you coming?


John is an expert on Bitcoin. And he knows all about the schoozy-koozy principle.


But Gary has been talking lately about this new concept from a book just released, titled,




Have you read that book?


It contains a new principle called the fancy-schmanzy principle.


They’re going to have a symposium about it at the university.


Right now, I have to go, because I have to get my 27.3 minutes of meditation done.


Yes, I recently changed from 20 minutes to 27.3 minutes because of a new book released which says that you get 1.73 millileter drop in dopamine in the amygdala if you increase your meditation by 7.3 minutes.


After that I’m going to jump in my cryotherapy unit, then go and check on my stem cells. I’m not getting any younger, you know?



Such creatures

Are not human beings.



They are human tape-recorders.

They are human xerox machines.



If pricked by a needle

There would not be blood,

But foam packing-peanuts.



In the Bible it is stated,

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”



The same can be said for the intellectual

And the spiritualist.





(No disrespect to Daniel Kahneman, Thinking fast and slow, Sapiens, or Seneca. I have not read any of these books or authors)