The Insignificance Of Wealth

Aside from bodily comfort, being rich, middle class, or poor has no practical significance.

This statement is not based upon spiritual, moral, or philosophical grounds.


Every human being is seeking the same thing, by different names.

Peace, happiness, nirvana, realization, contentment, freedom, enlightenment, joy, or the end of conflict . . .

No one has it.

Not the rich man.

Not the poor man.

Not the middle class man.


If a man has not permanently attained, what his heart deeply longs for, of what use is his money?


There is indeed a potential difference between the wealthy man and everyone else.

There is an opportunity that only he has, and it its value cannot be overstated ( )

But in the entire world, there may be between 1 and 7 wealthy humans who would ever take advantage of this benefit.

Therefore, on a practical basis the advantage is null and void for almost all of them.

On a practical basis, they may as well be poor.


The poor man and the middle class man point fingers at the wealthy man.

Or they harbor envy and jealousy.

But, in truth, even if the wealthy man gave them all of his money, they would only benefit in a purely superficial and bodily-comfort manner.


All of them are suffering and confused.

It is just that one is suffering and confused on a hand-stitched leather sofa under the roof of an oceanfront estate.

Another is suffering and confused on a faux leather sofa in a modest suburb.

And another is suffering and confused on a plastic chair in a mobile home or thatched hut.


What difference does it make how comfortable they are, while experiencing suffering and confusion?

Each lives as a peasant, within himself.


Thus, it makes little sense to compare oneself against another, in any shape or fashion.

For all are suffering, one and the same.


Is there a way out of this suffering?

There is.


But it is not available to the one who does not devote himself to discovering The Truth about it.

For man’s attention is always elsewhere.


Man’s attention is not in making himself Whole

Or discovering Permanence

Or putting an end to his suffering once and for all . . .

His attention is upon beautifying his skin, abs, and external environment.


There is nothing wrong with this.

For he is free to place his money, attention, effort, and resources in whatever he wishes.


Nothing is more foolish

Than to tell a man what he should or should not do.


But the Serious among them,

May wish to examine the verity of the litmus tests

And comparison tools

They have been using all their lives.


Of what value is one’s bank balance,

If Sincerity is the requirement.


Of what value is one’s investment portfolio,

If Seriousness is the requirement.


It is only when a man is willing to give Everything

That he has a chance

To receive Anything.

