The One True Value Of Wealth

Once a man attains

The comforts that money can buy

Of what value is the money?


Once money frees him

From having to work a day job

Of what value is the money?


This is not a matter that is considered

By the wealthy man.


For he has a default habit

Of comparing himself to the “have-nots.”


This comparison is always running

In the background of his psyche.


It may lead him to feel superior.

It may lead him to feel guilty.

It may lead him to philanthropy.


Once his needs are met

With the greatest comforts . . .


Of what value is his money?


He may give it to the poor.

Very well.

But what will this give Him?

Aside from a dose of charitable feeling?


Once he has bought what he needs,

Of what value is the money to Him specifically?


If money can only make him more comfortable

It is useless.


He may as well give it away.

But in giving it away, let him clearly understand

That he will not get anything of lasting value

For having given it away.


What is The Truth?


The Truth is,

Anything that makes one more worldly

Makes one more imprisoned.


Anything that contains even the Possibility

Of Freeing himself from his imprisonments,

Has unspeakable

And incalculable value.


Once the life comforts have been met . . .

Money’s only real value

Lies in Buying One’s Freedom.


One may use Freedom

In any way that one wishes.


So long as it is used

Towards Permanence

Rather than a pleasure chase

Or an experience chase.


What price would a man in a penitentiary not give

To Buy His Freedom?


Once the life comforts have been met,

Money’s only real value

Lies in Buying Dominance Over One’s Mind.


Once the life comforts have been met,

Money’s only real value

Lies in Buying What He Has Truly Wanted All Of His Life.


A wealthy man who realizes this

In his heart of hearts . . .

And decides to himself:

“I will go to the Himalayas and find a Master who lives in a snow-covered cave
at 18,000 feet, and give him all that I have. So that he may show me The Truth, and
help me achieve Freedom in this very life . . .”

This is a wise man.


(Truth be told,

The Himalayas is now overrun

By prescription-giving, and head-blessing bearded men

Who have not the power transform anyone.)


He is wise

Because he is seeking Permanence.


He is wise

Because he is seeking to Arrive at a place

From which he will never be forced to return

To the mundane

The trite

And to the endless miseries of traditional life.


Money is not a way to More.

Money’s true value lies

In Buying A Way Out.


Out of confusion.

Out of frustration.

Out of anxiety.

Out of fear.

Out of uncertainty.

Out of sorrow.

Out of conflict.

Out of imprisonment . . .


The Question that will naturally arise in one’s Mind is:

Can This Actually Be Bought?


It is reasonable for this question to arise.

For the Mind of man has known only one thing:



The vast majority of these prescriptions

Have been given to him for free.


The remainder have been given to him

For a fee.


Whether he received them for free

Or a free . . .

They have done absolutely nothing for him.


They have not moved him an inch closer

To Freedom

Or to whatever form of Permanance

That he has been craving his entire life.


In fact,

They have moved him miles and miles further

From where he longs to go.



He will naturally ask

If it can be bought.


By “bought”

The image that comes to his mind

Is that of a vending-machine process.


He places the money into the vending machine

And out comes his Freedom.


From the other direction

He is conditioned by the image of “work.”


That he must “practice”

Do austerities

And strive.


A man who is imprisoned

By so many images

So much conditioning

So many false notions . . .


How can he possibly gain the Clarity

Even to know what Is

Or Is Not



I will not state



The reason that I will not state this,

Is because I do not want my inbox to explode

With money offers and requests for Private Consultation.


In all frankness,

There is a strong inclination to patently state

That it Cannot be bought,

Simply in order to avoid the onslaught.


But to state this

Would not be Truth.


If a man is willing to give all of his wealth,

It means that he values Freedom and Permanence and Arrival

More than he values material and societal things.


A man who has had this Realization

Is a candidate

That can indeed be led toward Freedom

In this lifetime.
