The Astounding Realization You Are Avoiding

Just because you are avoiding it

(And you are indeed with absolute 100 percent certainty avoiding it),

Does not mean that you “should not” avoid it.


According to the numbers,

163,898 people in this world will die

By midnight.


Two people will die

Before you finish this sentence.


114 people will die

Before you reach the end of this discourse.


In full practicality,

All hope and outrage aside,

How many of them do you think

Found the ONE THING they Truly wanted in this life?


So that it may be clear,

Not even the most materialistic human on this earth

Wants a car, a boat, a mansion, affection, world adoration, or world peace

As their ONE THING.



Is the same for all human beings.


It is simply called by different names:



Unending Peace



True Freedom . . .


How many of the humans that will die today

Or died yesterday

Or died last year

Achieved the ONE THING

In their lifetime?




(The hopeful and the outraged who claim “How do you know???” can exit this discourse now. This is NOT for them. In fact, none of my work is for them. They are in the wrong place. And they are not welcome.)


The Realization that you are avoiding

Is that YOU will also die

Never having found



Your tomorrow will not be any different than today.

Just as your today is no different than your yesterday’s.


You delude yourself

Using the only (artificial) trump card that you have:



You tell yourself

That there is “still time.”


That you are not “dead yet.”

That you will “change.”


You may wish to look upon all the years

That have passed in your life.


You were not “dead yet” back then either.

You also “had time” back then also.

You were also going to “change” back then also.


In all likelihood,

And in your defense,

You have already tried to “change.”


You have likely tried a million things

To “change.”


All sorts of prescriptions












Chakra healings . . .


And everything.


To be a better parent

A better spouse

A harder worker

A better boss

A better citizen . . .


The attempt to change

Continues with you to this day.


Have you found the ONE THING?


Have you?


You are being asked one more time,



Understand this (and this will not Reach you):

How you are in your life today

Where you are in your life today

Is How and Where . . .

You will die.


You may deem this a good thing

Or a bad thing.


You may be ashamed

Or unashamed.


You may admit it

Or not admit it.


You may take it to heart

Or not take it to heart.


None of that

Will change a thing.


None of that

Will change the Fact

That you will die

Never having achieved



There is no need to Face this fact.

Facing it will not do anything.


You can continue to avoid it

Or you may confess . . .

It will not change the outcome.


The reason that you adore the priests

The pundits

The guru’s

The speakers

And the motivational authors

Is because they Enable your denial.


They love to tell you that you “have time.”

That “you can do it!”

And “be positive.”

And “go and get it!”

And “practice” this and that.


You love those things.

You eat it by the pound.

And drink it by the gallon.


And why would they not

Egg you on in such ways?


They are avoid it

Just as vehemently as you!


After all,

They are humans too.


Is there some Rare Human somewhere

Who might be Lit on Fire after having been exposed to these words?


Is there some Rare Human somewhere

Who might actually have the DNA to achieve the ONE THING,

And these words are the final piece

That ACTUALLY made it possible for him to have it in this very lifetime?


Is there some Rare Human somewhere

Whom, after being exposed to these words,

Instantly and entirely drops all of his excuses

Of having “no time”

“No money”

“No sincerity”

“No ABC”

“No XYZ”

“No blah, blah, blah . . .”



There is with certainty

Such a Rare Human out there.


But what is the likelihood

That he will happen to come across these words?


Very small.

Very, very small.


There is an infinitely greater likelihood

That he will be wandering frustrated, unheard, and on the edge-of-defeat

Amidst the self-help, self-development, motivational, religious, new age, and spiritual nonsense.


For my words

Live in a remote and unseen corner of the Earth.


While the self-help, self-development, motivational, religious, new age, and spiritual jargon

Is on every street corner

In every village

On every billboard

On every magazine

On every radio show

On every television network

On every book cover . . .

In the world.


This having been stated,

It may also be stated . . .


That the Universe

Guides precisely such a man.


If he is guided to these words,

He may be set upon a course

To have his ONE THING

In this lifetime.

