The Best You Can Be

What does this societal adage

Truly mean?


Of what value

Is this sacred cow?


Be The Best You Can Be.


The conditioned man

Cannot See.


For he views all things

Through the lens of his conditioning.


One may wish to read the adage again

Through unconditioned eyes

And see if the words strike him slightly differently.


The adage is appropriate for societal men.

And it is true-to-form with society’s ways.


“Be the Best You Can Be.”


One may wish to examine

Why this phrase came about.


What was its impetus?


It is rather plain and clear.


It is an excuse for failure.

A balm for a wound.

A consolation prize.

A participation trophy.


Somewhere along the way

People kept failing.

They felt bad about their failures.

Therefore, society provided them a band-aid to improve their mood:

Be The Best You Can Be.


The consolation is clearly implicit

In the phrase.


Be The Best YOU Can Be.


This is Code for:

The others are far more skilled than you,

But you only worry about the best that YOU can do.

Just be happy With That.


Man has no standards.

Society has no standards.


Bumper stickers such as this

Are created.


A man who states that he is being the Best He Can Be

And does not feel a tinge of shame in his chest

Will never be The Best

At Anything.


Society values Effort.


Humans do as well.


They will be shocked and unconvinced

By the fact

That Truth . . .

Arises not from Effort.


(Nor does it arise

From laziness and sloth.)


Be The Best You Can Be.

You Did The Best You Could.

And so on . . .


What does this truly mean?


It means

That admidst one’s unwavering commitment to wasting time . . .

That amidst one’s addiction to socialization . . .

That amidst one’s allegiance to their subculture and its minions . . .

That admist one’s addiction to electronic devices . . .

That amidst one’s unwillingness to examine The Truth . . .

With whatever remains after all of the above,

“Be The Best You Can Be.”


Although you insist upon keeping your leg broken

Although you insist upon keeping the hole in your head

Although you insist upon following false concepts and notions

Although you insist upon wasting hours talking nonsense with your “friends”

Although you refuse to focus squarely and obsessively upon the goal,

With whatever few drops of Heart, Attention, and Time you have left . . .

“Be The Best You Can Be.”


There is no hope for society.

But within man lives a Possibility.


If by some cataclysm,

He suddenly begins to desire Truth.


What truly is

The Best That A Given Man Can Be?



He will never come to know.
