The Frivolousness Of Discussion And Debate


Who is there to speak to?


What is there to speak about?


If there is an exploration of Truth

An organic possibility may emerge.


If there is not,

It is a shameless waste of time.


The “debaters” and “discussers” each say,

I will bring my opinions

You bring your opinions

And we will allow our opinions to spar.


One man prefers vanilla

The other prefers strawberry

And there is a discussion

As to which is “better,”

And why it suits his palate.


Those who come to watch or listen

For reasons unknown,

Nod their heads

Shake their heads


And frown.


Then they clap for the vanilla man

Clap for the strawberry man

And leave the auditorium.


Perhaps the man of reason

Is able to ask himself,

Of what value it is

To listen to the opinions of others.


After all,

He has his own.


Every man has a nose of his own.

Would he attend an event

In which two men came on stage

To show their nose?


Of what use is it

To hear the opinion of another?


Of what use is it

To hear the way that another man

Flushes the toilet?


No matter how famous he may be.

No matter how many “books he has sold.”

No matter how many interviews he has done.


A man says,

“I think X.”


Very well.

Of what value is his “thought?”


Thought begets more thought.

Discussion begets more discussion.

In circles and circles

Move the lives of ordinary men.


If two human beings

Each without opinion

Explore Truth

There is perhaps something that may emerge.


Such soil is fertile.

The blossom occurs in the two men

And also in the listener.


For no one is being told what to think.

What is right or wrong.

What they should or should not do.

How they should or should not change.


The trouble lies in the fact

That a man who seeks Truth

Is an unspeakably rare find.


To find Two

In the same place

Is a virtual impossibility.


Opinions are vomitus.

Beliefs are excrement.



Is all there is.


And since Truth is all there is . . .

To seek something less

Is to make vomitus

And excrement

Of one’s life.
