The Truth About “Coaching” A Human

Coach a man to “fix” a problem, and new problem will arise.

For the problem is never truly the problem.

Coach a man to “improve,” and he will regress.

For the improvement will have been the goal, rather than the natural effect.


If a thing is purely mechanical, a man can be “instructed” to do it.

If a thing contains any element of art, feel, or sensitivity, “instruction” will make him numb to the sensations that nature created in order to guide him.

An “instructed” man is an Unnatural man.

For he has exchanged the reliable and endless powers of the human organism, for the manufactured prescriptions of a limited human.


Tell a man to do X, and he may do it.

However, the moment he does X, he will look here and there for the result.

Anything that arrives through the intermediary of an intentional “doing,” leaves more rapidly than it arrived.

It cannot be owned.

It cannot be relied upon.

One day a man will “have it.” And the next day he will have “lost it.”


Give a man a prescription, and he will focus upon the prescription.

But the prescription is not what he is in search of. He is in search of the Thing.

And the more he focuses upon the prescription, the further he moves from the Thing.

As the years pass, something will happen that will set his journey careening off course:

The prescription becomes “The Thing.”

And the true Thing is lost forever.


Telling a man to think a certain way, do a certain thing, feel a certain emotion, behave in a certain manner, say a certain thing . . .

Is to misunderstand the nature of the human mind.

Tell a man to “feel gratitude,” and his emotions may be swayed.

But soon the emotion will wear off, and he will return to his default state.

This is not transformation.

For anything that does not last, is not worth doing at all.


All effects are the result of a cause.

A thing happens when the conditions are ripe.

If the conditions are not ripe, a thing cannot be made to happen.

If the conditions are ripe, a thing cannot be stopped from happening.


All goals are ulterior motives.

If one wishes to become more peaceful, this very goal will stand in his way.

The “coach” who tries to make a man more peaceful does not understand the workings of the human mind. Or the ways of Nature.

The man who seeks to be peaceful does not truly seek to be peaceful.

He seeks solace from his lack of peace.

The man that “runs,” runs into a brick wall.


The “coach,” having read books on psychology and spirituality, becomes clever.

He tells the man to stop running. He tells him to “live with the turmoil,” or “accept the turmoil,” or “enjoy the turmoil.”

Two things happen as a result:

  1. The man will grit his teeth and “accept it.”
  2. Any “relief” that he experiences will be short-lived.


Anything that arises from a manufactured cause, produces either no effect, or one that is short-lived.

Anything that arises from an ulterior motive, is not powerful enough to permanently affect the Mind.

Any intervention whose intent is to “fix,” cannot transform any human.


Give a man a shoulder to lean on, and he will lean.

He will luxuriate and gorge upon his miseries.

Give a man a prescription, and he will ask for more prescriptions.

He will begin to operate under the false notion that there is a set of rules, which if done properly, will take him to the Thing.

If this were true, then should not the “giver” of these prescriptions have already arrived at the Thing?



Then how is it that a human become transformed?

It is a mystery.

But in order to allow the mystery to unfold, there cannot be the slightest trace of a “fix.”

There cannot be the shadow of an ulterior motive.

There is only one thing that this mystery will allow:



This is where the “coach’s” journey begins.

It is at this juncture, that the road turns into a bridge that is the width of a pencil. Far below is a dark and unfathomable abyss.

The bridge is made to bear only the weight of a single step.

The ego adds a poundage that the bridge cannot bear. Causing the man to fall to his death.

Ulterior motive adds a poundage that does the same.

Insincerity creates cracks in the bridge, causing it to break apart.


For a human to transform, he must be led not by the “coach,” but by the coach’s devotion to the Truth.

For it is the Truth that will lead them both.

The Truth speaks at just the right moment.

It says something just so, to just a proportion, in just a way.

It takes the coach himself by surprise.


Words that come to mind . . .




Some ethereal combination of soft and hard.

Speaking in tongues.




In worldly success, or in the pursuit of human perfection . . .

Things happen when the conditions are ripe.

The conditions become ripe in a milieu of No-Thought.


The coach who “thinks” as he speaks, can only speak a lie.

For thinking is incompatible with Truth.

Thus, in order to speak Truth, he must first learn to become free of Thought.


It would be wise to understand that all great things happen . . .

When one is not looking.

When he is not searching.

They arise from out of the clear blue sky.

For Nature does not take kindly, to “being watched.”

It prefers to keep its secrets to itself.

The coach that is devoted to Truth, has little trouble in allowing it do so.

