The Innocent Journey
The Journey that a man takes in his profession or his craft is not a journey through his profession or his craft.
It is a Journey through his Mind.
The Journey that a man takes through his mind is not just a journey through his mind.
It is a Journey through the tempest of Desire.
This is the Real journey that one is on.
It is a journey of what he will get.
It is a journey of becoming more.
It is a journey of self-adornment.
It is a journey of acquisition and gain.
This leads him into a deep, dark forest from which almost no man returns.
Where there is desire, there cannot be perfection.
It may be worth your while to read that again.
The desire to become a Master of one’s craft is also a desire indeed.
But it is filled with purity.
It is one’s birthright to Master that which he seeks to master.
In the same it is the woodpecker’s birthright to bore a hole in a tree.
And in the same way it is the eagle’s birthright to leave terrestrial ground and Master flight.
That which is under one’s own auspices . . .
Tends to be innocent.
That which one expects to gain from the world, the craft, the society, the associations, and the masses . . .
Is always impure.
Impurity leads to pain.
Impurity leads to problems.
Impurity leads to frustration.
The only pain-free journey is the Innocent Journey.
The only frustration-free journey is the Innocent Journey.
A journey that is motivated by understanding all that needs to be understood.
A journey that never leaves the bedside of examination, observation, questioning, and insight.
A journey that is devoted to discovering the true source of one’s motivations.
A journey that is devoted to the understanding of the Mind.
For the plain and undeniable Truth is this:
There is nothing other than the Mind.
In understanding IT, one conquers it.
And in Conquering IT, one Arrives
. . . In every way that it is possible for a man To Arrive.
Kapil Gupta is a personal advisor to Kings, Queens, CEO’s, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists around the world.
His books include:
Atmamun: The Path To Achieving The Bliss Of The Himalayan Swamis. And The Freedom Of A Living God
A Master’s Secret Whispers: For those who abhor the noise and seek The Truth about life and living
Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive truths to the enduring questions of life