How A CEO Can Be Great And At Peace At All Times

Greatness is not a function of intelligence.

It is a function of insight.

Peace is not a function of meditation or austerities.

It is a function of seeing things as they truly are.

Greatness is dependent upon clarity.

For if one does not have clarity, on most of his days he will be average. And once in a blue moon, he will have a day in which things feel effortless and he becomes the person whom the world knows him to be.

This is a common occurrence amongst professional athletes. The vast majority of the time, they are Not the superstars that the world sees them to be.

Their superstar status is based upon a few small but widely publicized victories.

It is the same with virtually all successful individuals.

The little known secret is that Greatness need not be fleeting and rare. But the world does not know this secret. As a result, all humans have resigned themselves to the fact that “the zone” or “flow state” or moments of greatness are Necessarily rare.

Coaches and psychologists speak of the zone in terms of its attributes.

But even a child knows the attributes of the zone: Time slows down and things become effortless.

They teach that the zone is a state in which the mind is calm.

This is not true. And imbibing this falsehood has grave consequences. For if one believes that “the zone” or “flow state” is a state in which the mind is calm, then they will focus their efforts on trying to make the mind calm.

One need not believe me. Simply look at the evidence. Professional athletes and performers and executives have been told this for decades upon decades.

What is the result?

As of this moment, even world class individuals experience the zone less than 1 percent of the time.

So much for trying to calm the mind.

Let us move away from silliness. And speak The Truth.

The zone or flow state is not a state in which the mind is calm.

It is a state in which the mind has Disappeared.

(This is a Journey all its own).

Nothing happens in this life unless it is precisely and actively pursued.

But, you see, nothing is precisely or actively pursued unless one knows that it truly exists.

For only a fool would actively pursue something that he is convinced does not exist.

Let us speak The Truth.

This is only for the Serious Man.

Everyone else is best to leave. They are best to chase the prescriptions of meditation, mindfulness, and the various fruits that have been plucked from Eastern trees and planted in a soil that does not support their growth.

Let us begin.

Greatness must be broken down into its component parts.

One must then examine what aspects of greatness appeal most to him or her.

There is not right or wrong.

There is no should or should not.


Because right and wrong, should or should not, bring judgment, morality, and rules to the equation. And where there are rules, no matter how “sacred” they may appear to be, there cannot be honesty.

Where there are rules, there cannot be Truth.

And where there is not honesty and Truth, there will always be inner conflict.

And this inner conflict will prevent the human from seeing things as they truly are.

And to reiterate the statement presented at the commencement of this discourse, Peace is a function of seeing things as they truly are.

As one moves through the various components of greatness, he will soon come to see that greatness is more a function of the human being than it is about the role that he is playing (whether this role is CEO, Professional Athlete, Performer, Artist, President, and so on).

Because, in essence, there is no such thing as a Professional Athlete or a CEO. There is a human who is masquerading as one.Understand this:

Perfect the human, and you will create a permanent Superstar.

Peace is not found in a bubble gum machine, any more than success on the world stage is found at a flea market.

You see, humans are not serious.

Because they live in a world of potions, prescriptions, smoke, and mirrors.

The man who seeks Greatness all of the time . . .

The man who seeks Peace all of the time . . .

Will be a man who must first arrive at Seriousness and Genuineness all the time.

Not because seriousness or genuineness is “right” or “correct” or “moral” or “proper.” Of what use are such silly societal dictums?

But because it is only seriousness and genuineness that captures the mind to a sufficient enough degree to actually attain such otherworldly things.

Begin here.

This is the only way.

Throughout the history of mankind, this has always been the only way.
