You Create Problems To Justify Your Existence

Prob Just Own Exist1You have no problems. You have never really had them.

But you created them out of thin air. You created them to support your existence. They are a scaffolding upon which rests the structure of your well-groomed life.

You say that you want to get rid of your problems. But you would not dare do so. You may thank the man who selectively picks away a few of your problems. But you will fight to the death against the man who attempts to take away all of them.

Your problems have become your companions. They are your pet rocks. You groom them and nurture them and secretly you hope that they will never leave you. For they have become a part of you. And you need them as beacons to keep you fixed to the same path you have walked for dozens of years.

Then why do you ask to be rid of your problems?

You may say that you want this, but this is the last thing that you want. In truth, you want to keep your problems just the way they are, but you seek a dose of joy to keep you going. Just a touch to keep the edge off.

For if someone truly took away your problems, you would go mad. You would not know how to function. You would be shaken from your conditioned existence. You would roam aimless in the street.

Your entire life would fall apart.

With nothing to guide you, with no railroad tracks to follow, the world would explode into a sea of choices and possibilities. What would you do then? How would you choose? Where would you find the YOU that you have always known?

The YOU that you hate and love. The YOU that smiles on the outside but cries on the inside. The YOU that is broken and bandaged and vulnerable in all the familiar spots.

What a frightening existence this would be.

You wouldn’t dare go there. Not in a hundred million years.

Would you?

Dr. Gupta travels the world working with True Seekers. His clientele consists of professional athletes, executives, and celebrities. He helps them become The God Of Their Own Life.

(Hartwig HKD via flickr)