Humanity Does Not Matter


Religious types,

Spiritual types,

And self-help-ists

Are all about

Helping humanity.


Go out into the world

And tell others.


Go out in the world

And show others the way.


Everyone’s attention

Is upon everyone else.


Because in this way

One can avoid Himself.


The notion of mass enlightenment,

And mass realization,

Is a lie

In every way possible.



Cannot be helped.


Because humanity

Is not interested in being helped.


Rare humans

Are Rare.


Perhaps One,

Or Two,

Or Three,

Or a Handful

Can be shown The Way.


Because only One,

Or Two,

Or Three,

Or a Handful

Have a genuine desire for it.


The rest

Are pretenders.

(By their very own admission).


The rest

Are in search of incense smoke

And entertainment.


One Serious Human




Does not.


Humanity will continue its path to hell

No matter how many Buddha’s

And how many Jesus’ are born.


What happened to Jesus

When he tried to help?


Nothing can be done for humanity.

And wisdom lies

In not looking in its direction.


It is not possible to help

The unhelp-able.


It is not possible to entice

The desireless.


If a human harbors a true desire

In his heart,

He will typically meet with an opportunity

To fulfill his desire.



Tends not to go to waste.


The Great things in life

Are reserved for Rare humans.


They are not “democratic.”

They are not an “entitlement.”

They are not for “mass consumption.”


The masses

Are humans that harbor potential,

But have almost irreversibly

Lost their way.


Their allegiance

To society and the world

Is unshakeable.


Their belief in the concepts

They have been fed

Is impenetrable.



They are doomed

To their fate.


No amount of positivity,

Or uplifting messages,

Or sermons,

Or prescriptions

Can change this.


If a human harbors a desire to break free

A possibility is born.


If he does not,

He is certain to die ignorant.

Like his brethren before him.


The world paints happy and fluffy images

In order to improve people’s mood.

A change in mood

Does not change one’s reality.


A change in mood

Does not change one’s fate.


A Single Serious Human



He has a possibility

To Arrive.


He has a possibility

To grasp the Great things in life.


The rest,

No matter how wealthy,

How famous,

And how successful they may be,

Simply do not.


If a man is not Serious . . .

If a man does not harbor a Serious Desire . . .

He has no possibility.

His fate is sealed.


And no wise person

Need waste his time upon him.

Or set eyes in his direction.

